Overall, I am happy with this purchase. It looks nice and was a great price. However, it is HEAVY and tedious to put together. I saw a review where someone advised to purchase hex bits and use a drill. I wish I would have taken that advice. The tool included with the set, only fit in one position, so added to the frustration of assembly.
The look is great! It has a low profile headboard, which is exactly what I was looking for.
A pain to put together
Overall, I am happy with this purchase. It looks nice and was a great price. However, it is HEAVY and tedious to put together. I saw a review where someone advised to purchase hex bits and use a drill. I wish I would have taken that advice. The tool included with the set, only fit in one position, so added to the frustration of assembly. The look is great! It has a low profile headboard, which is exactly what I was looking for.