This is definitely one of the better quality pieces of in my home. Super sturdy and really heavy. The finish unfortunately isnt a real wood finish they used some type of plastic veneer BUT that makes the surface very hard and resilient while still looking really good. Mines a mess right now but I think itd be a good idea to paint the wall inside it black as well since you can still see some paint through the inside. I tend to over do things so I mounted mine with a bunch of toggle bolts and long screws into each stud I came across. I really tried using every screw hole through the mounting piece of wood. All in all I would highly recommend this if you were considering purchasing. The only downside is that the insides are just a little too short to fit my Sonos Play:5 in them so I have to keep the speaker on top.
Great quality
This is definitely one of the better quality pieces of in my home. Super sturdy and really heavy. The finish unfortunately isnt a real wood finish they used some type of plastic veneer BUT that makes the surface very hard and resilient while still looking really good. Mines a mess right now but I think itd be a good idea to paint the wall inside it black as well since you can still see some paint through the inside. I tend to over do things so I mounted mine with a bunch of toggle bolts and long screws into each stud I came across. I really tried using every screw hole through the mounting piece of wood. All in all I would highly recommend this if you were considering purchasing. The only downside is that the insides are just a little too short to fit my Sonos Play:5 in them so I have to keep the speaker on top.