Overall it will do its job. The bench is not a storage compartment as shown in many product reviews, but the seller photos never showed it was so thats ok. The wood did have chips already starting upon arrival. It came with small pads for the feet and although placing them on evenly, the whole thing does not sit even with the floor leaving it very wobbly. I will try to anchor it to the wall, but I believe my trim will prevent me from getting a good anchor.
The assembly was a breeze, east instructions, came with a real small screwdriver and hex with a handle. Looks nice and its great for small spaces and lighter items! Wouldnt put too much on it nor sit on it though.
Decent for the price
Overall it will do its job. The bench is not a storage compartment as shown in many product reviews, but the seller photos never showed it was so thats ok. The wood did have chips already starting upon arrival. It came with small pads for the feet and although placing them on evenly, the whole thing does not sit even with the floor leaving it very wobbly. I will try to anchor it to the wall, but I believe my trim will prevent me from getting a good anchor. The assembly was a breeze, east instructions, came with a real small screwdriver and hex with a handle. Looks nice and its great for small spaces and lighter items! Wouldnt put too much on it nor sit on it though.