Beautiful and easy to assemble This bed is perfect for my kids. They love it. Their favorite part is that it has stairs instead of a ladder so its easier (and i feel its safer) to get to the top bunk. I put it together mostly by myself and it took about 4 hours. With two people it would probably be about half that. The instructions werent all that clear but can be figured out. As a mom, my favorite part is the drawers. I use them for my kids pajamas, pants and shorts. I would highly recommend this bed to anyone looking for a bunk bed.
Perfect for my kids!
Beautiful and easy to assemble This bed is perfect for my kids. They love it. Their favorite part is that it has stairs instead of a ladder so its easier (and i feel its safer) to get to the top bunk. I put it together mostly by myself and it took about 4 hours. With two people it would probably be about half that. The instructions werent all that clear but can be figured out. As a mom, my favorite part is the drawers. I use them for my kids pajamas, pants and shorts. I would highly recommend this bed to anyone looking for a bunk bed.