This desk is made to look nice and stylish, and it does. However the assembly, instructions, quality controls, and tolerances were awful. The screws were greasy in the bag, there was warped metal and piece that were not sanded down and made a sharp edge. The quality control workmanship to align the screws to line up was awful, there simply some screws I could put in because of this which is very frustrating. At times you felt as though you were going to break the wood with the screws. Overall quality is subpar. Id shop elsewhere. I would equate this desk to putting lipstick on a pig.
Shoddy quality control
This desk is made to look nice and stylish, and it does. However the assembly, instructions, quality controls, and tolerances were awful. The screws were greasy in the bag, there was warped metal and piece that were not sanded down and made a sharp edge. The quality control workmanship to align the screws to line up was awful, there simply some screws I could put in because of this which is very frustrating. At times you felt as though you were going to break the wood with the screws. Overall quality is subpar. Id shop elsewhere. I would equate this desk to putting lipstick on a pig.