This is the second summer my Granddaughter uses it! She loves it! She is a gymnist and this is a safer way for her to do her flips! I bought the larger size due to the distance it takes to flip . . . she is about 4 6 tall.
She and her Dad put it up in less then 2 hours! They took it down during the winter (in the North) and put it back up in April!
The only downside is you must use a weed eater to cut the grass under the trampoline!
Good quality construction!
Good quality construction
This is the second summer my Granddaughter uses it! She loves it! She is a gymnist and this is a safer way for her to do her flips! I bought the larger size due to the distance it takes to flip . . . she is about 4 6 tall. She and her Dad put it up in less then 2 hours! They took it down during the winter (in the North) and put it back up in April! The only downside is you must use a weed eater to cut the grass under the trampoline! Good quality construction!