Looks gorgeous and easy to assemble. Bought this trampoline about 1 month ago. The only complaint I have is that ours was missing 1 spring, as major as that may sound it is actually not that big of a deal. Easy assembly, took a little more than an hour to get together. I feel completely safe having my 4 year old bounce on it. It is a little smaller than I anticipated but works well for out 4 year old, depending on how much she uses it I may have to upgrade in a few years.
Great trampoline for toddlers!
Looks gorgeous and easy to assemble. Bought this trampoline about 1 month ago. The only complaint I have is that ours was missing 1 spring, as major as that may sound it is actually not that big of a deal. Easy assembly, took a little more than an hour to get together. I feel completely safe having my 4 year old bounce on it. It is a little smaller than I anticipated but works well for out 4 year old, depending on how much she uses it I may have to upgrade in a few years.