Great trampoline -- was easy enough to assemble. Probably took us about an hour but the springs were a bit tight so needed help with someone with some strength. The trampoline was perfect for my family of three and we have spent many hours on it. The downfall is that if you need replacement parts - is really hard to deal with. They dont return phone calls or emails very efficiently. We have ordered replacement legs (our fault we stored the trampoline wrong during the winter) and the parts that were sent were wrong even with sending pictures and details. They are very slow to help us fix our trampoline.
Great trampoline for a family
Great trampoline -- was easy enough to assemble. Probably took us about an hour but the springs were a bit tight so needed help with someone with some strength. The trampoline was perfect for my family of three and we have spent many hours on it. The downfall is that if you need replacement parts - is really hard to deal with. They dont return phone calls or emails very efficiently. We have ordered replacement legs (our fault we stored the trampoline wrong during the winter) and the parts that were sent were wrong even with sending pictures and details. They are very slow to help us fix our trampoline.