Bought two of these to use as nightstands. They are sturdy and hold my heavy lamps well. I also love the drawer bc it holds all my chargers like a box while they are still plugged in. Super convenient. My daughter and I had a competition to see who could build these faster. I won by mere seconds but it took us under 5 minutes total. She is 14 so it was very easy for her. NO directions needed Attractive and strong.
Easy to assemble and cute cottage core look
Bought two of these to use as nightstands. They are sturdy and hold my heavy lamps well. I also love the drawer bc it holds all my chargers like a box while they are still plugged in. Super convenient. My daughter and I had a competition to see who could build these faster. I won by mere seconds but it took us under 5 minutes total. She is 14 so it was very easy for her. NO directions needed Attractive and strong.