Overall the bed is very good and my kid loves it. Its very sturdy. It wobbles a bit but its common for loft beds, so I just nailed it to the walls. The screws on the stair hand rail are a bit tedious to tighten because its wedged.
My biggest complain would be the third step to get onto the bed. The three stair steps have same height, but the last step going up forgets to account for the mattress thickness. So my kid needs a giant leap, or stepping on the uncomfortable horizontal bar to get onto the bed. Comes as shown in picture.
Awesome low loft bed with nitpicks
Overall the bed is very good and my kid loves it. Its very sturdy. It wobbles a bit but its common for loft beds, so I just nailed it to the walls. The screws on the stair hand rail are a bit tedious to tighten because its wedged. My biggest complain would be the third step to get onto the bed. The three stair steps have same height, but the last step going up forgets to account for the mattress thickness. So my kid needs a giant leap, or stepping on the uncomfortable horizontal bar to get onto the bed. Comes as shown in picture.