Purchased this frame for a Tuvo mattress. size frame fits it just perfectly. My sister ordered the same one in gold and has a Cal / it fits hers perfectly as well. I will recommend using just the top mattress without a boxspring as it is not needed and will rise the bed higher than the footboard. Comes with 2 heights for legs, i prefer the higher 11 so you can easily fit items underneath it. The only con would be putting it together / its not super hard, but does take a good amount of time (at least fo r the size). A couple of the screws were a bit harder to line up, but i got them eventually. The slats were the hardest part, but once you get the hang of it, it goes pretty quickly at the end. Overall great buy! I wake up every morning loving my new bed! Very easy to set up!
Beautiful frame!
Purchased this frame for a Tuvo mattress. size frame fits it just perfectly. My sister ordered the same one in gold and has a Cal / it fits hers perfectly as well. I will recommend using just the top mattress without a boxspring as it is not needed and will rise the bed higher than the footboard. Comes with 2 heights for legs, i prefer the higher 11 so you can easily fit items underneath it. The only con would be putting it together / its not super hard, but does take a good amount of time (at least fo r the size). A couple of the screws were a bit harder to line up, but i got them eventually. The slats were the hardest part, but once you get the hang of it, it goes pretty quickly at the end. Overall great buy! I wake up every morning loving my new bed! Very easy to set up!