Great Price and Easy to Assemble I knew this couch was going to be firmer, which is exactly what I wanted. Its more comfortable than I expected and the velvet is super soft.
It was incredibly smartly packaged for a more compact box. I put it together myself in a little more than an hour, with my husband helping to flip it over once.
It wobbles a bit when my husband moves around on it, but that may just be a factor of a couch with taller legs like this.
Im very happy with it so far, especially for the price.
A steal of a price
Great Price and Easy to Assemble I knew this couch was going to be firmer, which is exactly what I wanted. Its more comfortable than I expected and the velvet is super soft. It was incredibly smartly packaged for a more compact box. I put it together myself in a little more than an hour, with my husband helping to flip it over once. It wobbles a bit when my husband moves around on it, but that may just be a factor of a couch with taller legs like this. Im very happy with it so far, especially for the price.