I was hoping that with the velvet cover, the seat would be soft but it isnt. I had to use my cushions, which I do on hard seats and I will have to use another cushion on top of that. It is sturdy, compact (which I really like. It is a perfect vanity seat. It was a little bit difficult for me to put it together. It hurt my arms, neck, and back because I have infirmities. Very sturdy and durable
It is compact, sturdy, not very soft seating
I was hoping that with the velvet cover, the seat would be soft but it isnt. I had to use my cushions, which I do on hard seats and I will have to use another cushion on top of that. It is sturdy, compact (which I really like. It is a perfect vanity seat. It was a little bit difficult for me to put it together. It hurt my arms, neck, and back because I have infirmities. Very sturdy and durable