This is great for my purpose. Pricey for what it it. It looks luxurious than it is but it will do. A little shorter and skinner than what the picture led me to believe. They could invest more on the instruction manual and add some words to make it clearer because some of us are not as bright when it comes to assembling furniture. and I refuse to think to figure something out lol JK. It took me about 30 minutes to assemble. Glad I finally invested on a proper chair since its almost June and we are still dealing with COVID
Great chair!
This is great for my purpose. Pricey for what it it. It looks luxurious than it is but it will do. A little shorter and skinner than what the picture led me to believe. They could invest more on the instruction manual and add some words to make it clearer because some of us are not as bright when it comes to assembling furniture. and I refuse to think to figure something out lol JK. It took me about 30 minutes to assemble. Glad I finally invested on a proper chair since its almost June and we are still dealing with COVID