We bought the full size. The assembly was really easy. My 10 year old and I had it done pretty fast. It is absolutely adorable in her room. Her 7 and 4 year old brother and sister have already had a sleep over in her room with all three piled in together. This thing is sturdy and doesnt even creak when my hubby gets on it with all three of them for bedtime story. It shipped super fast. The only reason I didnt give it all the stars was because the box was completely open on one side. There is a small rusty orange stain on the inside of the headboard. I didnt notice it until we had it put together and the mattress already on.
So cute!
We bought the full size. The assembly was really easy. My 10 year old and I had it done pretty fast. It is absolutely adorable in her room. Her 7 and 4 year old brother and sister have already had a sleep over in her room with all three piled in together. This thing is sturdy and doesnt even creak when my hubby gets on it with all three of them for bedtime story. It shipped super fast. The only reason I didnt give it all the stars was because the box was completely open on one side. There is a small rusty orange stain on the inside of the headboard. I didnt notice it until we had it put together and the mattress already on.