I ordered the teal color but received the turquoise. My daughter said she liked it, so we decided to keep it. The bed is sturdier than I expected. The trundle is okay/my only complaints are that the twin mattress can slide off the trundle frame (nothing to hold it in place) and the trundle frame wheels are plastic and cheap. The trundle also doesnt slide out easily. This isnt a problem for us because I would rather my kids leave it in place (haha).
Overall it is worth the purchase/you wont be too disappointed. My daughter loves her new bed.
Sent wrong color but daughter loved it anyway
I ordered the teal color but received the turquoise. My daughter said she liked it, so we decided to keep it. The bed is sturdier than I expected. The trundle is okay/my only complaints are that the twin mattress can slide off the trundle frame (nothing to hold it in place) and the trundle frame wheels are plastic and cheap. The trundle also doesnt slide out easily. This isnt a problem for us because I would rather my kids leave it in place (haha). Overall it is worth the purchase/you wont be too disappointed. My daughter loves her new bed.