Fairly easy assembly but parts came in used, dirty bags!
The bed was fairly easy to assemble. The studs and screws came bags that seemed already used which was gross. My sister and I had to go through and wipe all of it down. The bed seems sturdy for the most part but, we will see with time. The weld job was poor but, was expected with all the negative reviews on this product; you really take a gamble buying this bed
Fairly easy assembly but parts came in used, dirty bags!
The bed was fairly easy to assemble. The studs and screws came bags that seemed already used which was gross. My sister and I had to go through and wipe all of it down. The bed seems sturdy for the most part but, we will see with time. The weld job was poor but, was expected with all the negative reviews on this product; you really take a gamble buying this bed