Purchased this as my daughters first bed / toddler beds are ridiculously overpriced, and dont last long if you have a taller kid. This was perfect! It was not too difficult to put together if you read the other reviews and DONT TIGHTLY SCREW the LEGS until you have ALL the pieces connected. I added a toddler rail (the summer infant extra long gives the most coverage / it doesnt connect perfectly underneath, but it works if the mattress is heavy enough) and an 8 Zinus memory foam mattress. Its wonderful and she asked to sleep in it immediately!
Wonderful / Toddler Rail Fits, Too!
Purchased this as my daughters first bed / toddler beds are ridiculously overpriced, and dont last long if you have a taller kid. This was perfect! It was not too difficult to put together if you read the other reviews and DONT TIGHTLY SCREW the LEGS until you have ALL the pieces connected. I added a toddler rail (the summer infant extra long gives the most coverage / it doesnt connect perfectly underneath, but it works if the mattress is heavy enough) and an 8 Zinus memory foam mattress. Its wonderful and she asked to sleep in it immediately!