When my daughter bought this bed from her account I said there is no way I would be able to assemble it having experience in assembling other furniture. Boy! I was wrong. Even a kid or 80 yo can do that. So easy and smooth. Nothing is heavy. Everything fits from the first try. Packaging is also great. No penoplast crumbles, it all nicely wrapped in thin plastic. I saved it for re-cycling in some projects. I bet people who manufacture this bed take pride in what they do! Thank you.
Good quality bed
When my daughter bought this bed from her account I said there is no way I would be able to assemble it having experience in assembling other furniture. Boy! I was wrong. Even a kid or 80 yo can do that. So easy and smooth. Nothing is heavy. Everything fits from the first try. Packaging is also great. No penoplast crumbles, it all nicely wrapped in thin plastic. I saved it for re-cycling in some projects. I bet people who manufacture this bed take pride in what they do! Thank you.