This chair is for my 1 year old daughter. It is a beautiful chair and is nice and sturdy. She loves it and it is the perfect size. The only bad thing is that it took a very long time to be delivered and when it arrived, it was broken. However, the company has been nothing but helpful and is sending a new chair to replace it without putting up an argument!
We received the chair in great condition and it was really well packaged. It is perfect for younger kids and it was something that we bought for our almost 2 year old daughter. We have a similar chair for our 4 year old son and he really loves it so we knew that our daughter would want one as well.
If you are looking for a great little chair at a great price I would suggest that you go ahead and order one.
Very cute chair. Looks great in photos. Not very cozy/comfy though. Wouldnt reccommend for a child to lounge in, but very cute for pics. Also a little smaller than most chairs like this in stores. Probably not great for a child above 4.
Lovely sofa. It is so cute. It feels very soft when you touch it. It is consider lightweight for me, so I can move it around easily. My child is 2 yr old and about 33lb and there are still spaces available after she sits down easily as necessary. She always sits there when she is reading the picture book.
The furniture is very small but myb5 yo and 15 month old love it. With another baby on the way we are sure it will get great use! Also a very good price for what you get!
This chair is for my 1 year old daughter. It is a beautiful chair and is nice and sturdy. She loves it and it is the perfect size. The only bad thing is that it took a very long time to be delivered and when it arrived, it was broken. However, the company has been nothing but helpful and is sending a new chair to replace it without putting up an argument!
Great Chair for Children
We received the chair in great condition and it was really well packaged. It is perfect for younger kids and it was something that we bought for our almost 2 year old daughter. We have a similar chair for our 4 year old son and he really loves it so we knew that our daughter would want one as well. If you are looking for a great little chair at a great price I would suggest that you go ahead and order one.
Perfect size
Very very cute,look like the picture
Very cute chair. Looks great in photos. Not very cozy/comfy though. Wouldnt reccommend for a child to lounge in, but very cute for pics. Also a little smaller than most chairs like this in stores. Probably not great for a child above 4.
Furniture was aming! True to size! Grand kids loved it!
Small but just right for her to sit and read
Just right for my granddaughter! !happy
Lovely sofa
Lovely sofa. It is so cute. It feels very soft when you touch it. It is consider lightweight for me, so I can move it around easily. My child is 2 yr old and about 33lb and there are still spaces available after she sits down easily as necessary. She always sits there when she is reading the picture book.
Great price for what you get!
The furniture is very small but myb5 yo and 15 month old love it. With another baby on the way we are sure it will get great use! Also a very good price for what you get!
Well made
This chair is great and very well made. My daughter loves it.
Perfect for him
Perfect sofa for my 1 year,8m old grandson luv it when he sits in it and watches tv with me
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