I purchased this chair for $25.99 in black. The quality is very good and yes, the seat pad is not centered but in black it doesn't detract from the appearance. I like the height of the seat and may at some point purchase more as a set for my dining room. Love the ease of it, just open the box and unfold the chair!
Nice and sturdy. Had a small stain on the back padding. The packaging was just a box, that's it. A wrap with bubble wrap would have done it. I'll keep it, because it's pretty.
Nice design, looks good with my actual dinning chairs. Except cushions aren't very secure. But my famiky are already here for holiday so, serves it's purpose for now.
Sturdy, good quality. Not as cushy as I would like but good for a folding chair.
The quality is very good and yes
I purchased this chair for $25.99 in black. The quality is very good and yes, the seat pad is not centered but in black it doesn't detract from the appearance. I like the height of the seat and may at some point purchase more as a set for my dining room. Love the ease of it, just open the box and unfold the chair!
Five Stars
nice done
Nice and sturdy
Nice and sturdy. Had a small stain on the back padding. The packaging was just a box, that's it. A wrap with bubble wrap would have done it. I'll keep it, because it's pretty.
Five Stars
Folding elegant chair
Very classy looking with a cushion.
Four Stars
Five Stars
Great item
Nice looking, convenient.... but needs cushion to be better secured.
Nice design, looks good with my actual dinning chairs. Except cushions aren't very secure. But my famiky are already here for holiday so, serves it's purpose for now.
White folding chair
Good quality! Came undamaged and as pictured. Perfect chair for the desk I ordered.
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