My son pretty much breaks all frames and he's 15 years old. This frame is strong and sturdy. So far it's great and it's long enough for his height which I'm loving it and he's comfortable now.
This took almost longer to unpack than it did to assemble. So easy. Super sturdy frame and rock solid slats. Bought an IKEA bed less than a year ago, but the flimsy slats were no match for a Purple mattress. This bed is only available headboard free, but still very handsome, sturdy and a lot of bang for the buck!
Pros: came quickly, sturdy
Cons: poor quality control, center supports splintered and unsanded, tiny plastic caps at bottom of feet that are too small and would damage vinyl tile flooring.
Good Bed Frame
Excellent bed frame. I needed something slick and sturdy for my bed frame so I could listen to Steely Dan in style.
Dangerous garbage
I should have known… Nothing fit together well. Then less than 3 months later the whole thing collapsed! Way over priced junk.
As expected, no issues
Easy assembly, no issues.
not made in the usa
dont fall for where the wood is from
Very sturdy
Easy to put together and very sturdy and quiet. Got the wrong color but highly recommended
Nice looking and elegant
My son pretty much breaks all frames and he's 15 years old. This frame is strong and sturdy. So far it's great and it's long enough for his height which I'm loving it and he's comfortable now.
Exceeded Expectations!
This took almost longer to unpack than it did to assemble. So easy. Super sturdy frame and rock solid slats. Bought an IKEA bed less than a year ago, but the flimsy slats were no match for a Purple mattress. This bed is only available headboard free, but still very handsome, sturdy and a lot of bang for the buck!
Easy to put together
Easy to put together
Super simple and looks great!
We got this bed for my daughters room, she absolutely loves it. Super simple but looks great. Very easy to put together. Highly recommend it!
Came quickly, although poor quality control, rough unsanded supports cheap plastic caps on legs
Pros: came quickly, sturdy Cons: poor quality control, center supports splintered and unsanded, tiny plastic caps at bottom of feet that are too small and would damage vinyl tile flooring.
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