The product itself is great. Its sturdy, looks good and is everything they said it would be. But unfortunately they sent me the wrong colors, so my bedframe is brown and is . Its too big to fit in my car so I cant return it unless I pay for pick up and pay for postage which sucks.
My daughter loves it! I helped her assemble it with my power drill in less than an hour cause it wouldve taken all day to put it together with the tools provided.
The is not 51 like it states in the description. Spent 2 hours putting it together but wasnt upset about that at all. I brought it for the and its not what I thought I was getting. Very disappointed. Otherwise seems sturdy for the money
The design and feel looks pretty cool upon unpacking. When assemblying the frame, I found two issues. 1. the two legs were identical which meant that the holes were drilled on the same side; however, it should have been opposite sides so the cross bar could be installed. 2. The support bar was completely dented! Waiting from the manufacturer to see if I can get replacement parts.
This platform bed arrived in damaged boxes, but luckily that didnt affect the peices, they were completely in tact. We assembled it easily with a power screw gun.
Great purchase!
The product was recieved as described. Its holding up pretty well. Im happy with my purchase!
Sturdy bed, but send wrong items
The product itself is great. Its sturdy, looks good and is everything they said it would be. But unfortunately they sent me the wrong colors, so my bedframe is brown and is . Its too big to fit in my car so I cant return it unless I pay for pick up and pay for postage which sucks.
The bed wasnt hard to assemble only problem was some piece were bent up.
Good bed added stones for bling!
Very sturdy and attractive
My daughter loves it! I helped her assemble it with my power drill in less than an hour cause it wouldve taken all day to put it together with the tools provided.
Am very happy
Looks beautiful
The is not 51 like it states in the description. Spent 2 hours putting it together but wasnt upset about that at all. I brought it for the and its not what I thought I was getting. Very disappointed. Otherwise seems sturdy for the money
Cool Design but Damaged Parts
The design and feel looks pretty cool upon unpacking. When assemblying the frame, I found two issues. 1. the two legs were identical which meant that the holes were drilled on the same side; however, it should have been opposite sides so the cross bar could be installed. 2. The support bar was completely dented! Waiting from the manufacturer to see if I can get replacement parts.
Wheres the MANUAL BOOK at?
No instructions came with the bed.
Just as pictured
This platform bed arrived in damaged boxes, but luckily that didnt affect the peices, they were completely in tact. We assembled it easily with a power screw gun.
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