Bought this for my 6 year old son with the headboard. Was easy to assemble. Good quality. Target has the same bed online and it is $100 cheaper through . Thought the drawer space was going to be larger but still happy with my purchase!! Love it thanks!
It came a little banged up and without instructions. One of the drawers is not even with the others, but otherwise pretty happy with purchase It was what I needed and a good deal
Good buy!
Bought this for my 6 year old son with the headboard. Was easy to assemble. Good quality. Target has the same bed online and it is $100 cheaper through . Thought the drawer space was going to be larger but still happy with my purchase!! Love it thanks!
An ok bed, but had some issues.
It came a little banged up and without instructions. One of the drawers is not even with the others, but otherwise pretty happy with purchase It was what I needed and a good deal
Very sturdy, clear instructions and easy to assemble. Quality workmanship!
Nice addition
Great product. Five Stars love the color
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