Easy to assemble and sturdy. Only thing is the drawer, I thought it was part of the bed but it wasn't. it has wheels to slid in and out. Highly recommend.
Arrived earlier than expected, was very easy to assemble, very sturdy. Only bad thing about it is the drawer is not connected to the frame. It just rolls back and forth freely on the floor. It's a drawer on the floor.
I was very disappointed by the overall height of this bed where the mattress sits. While it is sturdy, and attractive, it is way too low to the floor to be suitable for an adult. The height of this bed is for a child. I bought this bed for my elderly aunt and unfortunately had to add risers to the legs to make it tall enough for her. She never would have been able to get out of it as it is way too low. Recommend for a child, but not an adult. I can not return it as it is in her Assisted Living room and COVID-19 is not permitting me to return to her facility.
Perfect for girls room
Perfect for girls room
Nice for my kiddo
Decent looks and quality... great for the price. I am happy with it.
great product
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Only thing is the drawer, I thought it was part of the bed but it wasn't. it has wheels to slid in and out. Highly recommend.
Bought for our granddaughter
Her Mom, our daughter says that the grand baby loves her new big girl bed...
Very cute and looks good quality.
Very cute and looks good quality.
Not sturdy tho!
It was quite easy to assemble, but it is not sturdy at all. From 1 to 10 for sturdiness, I would give 5(sort of 4-ish)
great bed
my kids love them ... very sturdy .
Nice bed
Don't like the way drawer just slides on floor and not hooked to bed.
My daughter loves her bed.
Arrived earlier than expected, was very easy to assemble, very sturdy. Only bad thing about it is the drawer is not connected to the frame. It just rolls back and forth freely on the floor. It's a drawer on the floor.
This bed is for kids!!
I was very disappointed by the overall height of this bed where the mattress sits. While it is sturdy, and attractive, it is way too low to the floor to be suitable for an adult. The height of this bed is for a child. I bought this bed for my elderly aunt and unfortunately had to add risers to the legs to make it tall enough for her. She never would have been able to get out of it as it is way too low. Recommend for a child, but not an adult. I can not return it as it is in her Assisted Living room and COVID-19 is not permitting me to return to her facility.
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