Very lovely bed! The only complaint is that it had a missing part and I had to wait 3 weeks for it. Otherwise my adult daughter and I put it together. It took us a little over an hour. Its very sturdy and I love it! Being 60 and having a canopy bed is a girlhood dream come true.
My daughter loves it. Unfortunately we had a couple of the pieces break soon after assembly, but the seller sent replacement parts right away and made it all right. 5 stars for customer service!
Bed frame is very light weight. It was somewhat difficult getting put together, but after 2 hours we had it up. Its worth it considering the price. Dont expect a sturdy high quality bed for the price you are paying for it. That being said, I got this for my 9 year old daughter and she loves it. Because its not very sturdy, it wont be a long term bed frame. If you are looking for something cute to put in a room that will not be regularly used get it! Or if its for a child. would not recommend for an adult.
My daughter loves it. Only issue is there was pieces that had the white paint chipped. Ill have to get paint to cover those spots. Normally I would have returned for that but it will be fine.
Update: 2 bar pieces already broke!! Very flimsy so disappointed. I dont want to have to disassemble. Thats alot of work plus i dont have the box so i cant even return!! Spent all that money just to see it break so easy
The bed is beautiful even after all the assembly issues. My baby girl insisted on having this specific bed so I ordered it naturally. It arrived on time which is always a plus and nothing less than what I expected. When my husband and I were putting it together we noticed that two of the bars had off centered screw holes which made them impossible to utilize. We still managed to get the frame put together and found an alternate way to make sure that the bed was useable. My advice is inspect all rods that come with assembly before actually putting the bed together. Hopefully then you can order a replacement and not have to be frustrated during assembly.
Wonderful bed!
Very lovely bed! The only complaint is that it had a missing part and I had to wait 3 weeks for it. Otherwise my adult daughter and I put it together. It took us a little over an hour. Its very sturdy and I love it! Being 60 and having a canopy bed is a girlhood dream come true.
Daughter loves it
My daughter loves it. Unfortunately we had a couple of the pieces break soon after assembly, but the seller sent replacement parts right away and made it all right. 5 stars for customer service!
Cute but not sturdy
Its a cute frame but its not sturdy
Girls bed
Its adorable, however, the standard twin mattress just doesnt fit.
No regrets
I love the bed and it was easy to put together
Get What you pay for
Bed frame is very light weight. It was somewhat difficult getting put together, but after 2 hours we had it up. Its worth it considering the price. Dont expect a sturdy high quality bed for the price you are paying for it. That being said, I got this for my 9 year old daughter and she loves it. Because its not very sturdy, it wont be a long term bed frame. If you are looking for something cute to put in a room that will not be regularly used get it! Or if its for a child. would not recommend for an adult.
I like it I just wish all the pieces fit better. All in all its good.
Some parts fit better than some.
Overall good update
My daughter loves it. Only issue is there was pieces that had the white paint chipped. Ill have to get paint to cover those spots. Normally I would have returned for that but it will be fine. Update: 2 bar pieces already broke!! Very flimsy so disappointed. I dont want to have to disassemble. Thats alot of work plus i dont have the box so i cant even return!! Spent all that money just to see it break so easy
The bed is beautiful
The bed is beautiful even after all the assembly issues. My baby girl insisted on having this specific bed so I ordered it naturally. It arrived on time which is always a plus and nothing less than what I expected. When my husband and I were putting it together we noticed that two of the bars had off centered screw holes which made them impossible to utilize. We still managed to get the frame put together and found an alternate way to make sure that the bed was useable. My advice is inspect all rods that come with assembly before actually putting the bed together. Hopefully then you can order a replacement and not have to be frustrated during assembly.
Worth the money
Very easy to assemble and sturdy
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