The bed was easy to assemble even for a non-handy person like myself. I was able to build most of it alone but I needed another person while attaching the sides. My kids have had the bunk bed for several months and it’s very sturdy. It has a cool, modern look.
Was some what easy to assemble, you need two people for sure. Took us like 4-5 hours to put together. It’s a little flimsy but good enough for the kids. Also it comes in 3 boxes, I got two one day and the third box the next day. Can’t complain about the cost, went to different furniture stores in my area that had similar beds, felt same (sturdiness wise) but were more expensive. Overall I think it’s a good bed for kids.
Overall, I’m happy with the purchase, it’s sturdy and not too complicated putting it together, only thing is that it was missing blots that go to it so hopefully the seller with send those to me
Happy with purchase
Arrived on time. Kids love it
Great buy
its a great bed for my 3 boys and sturdy for when I have to lay on it.
Easy to assemble
The bed was easy to assemble even for a non-handy person like myself. I was able to build most of it alone but I needed another person while attaching the sides. My kids have had the bunk bed for several months and it’s very sturdy. It has a cool, modern look.
Kids love it.
Was some what easy to assemble, you need two people for sure. Took us like 4-5 hours to put together. It’s a little flimsy but good enough for the kids. Also it comes in 3 boxes, I got two one day and the third box the next day. Can’t complain about the cost, went to different furniture stores in my area that had similar beds, felt same (sturdiness wise) but were more expensive. Overall I think it’s a good bed for kids.
Pretty good
My children love it. It was a little difficult to put together but not to bad
two people must be able to fold the bed
My kids 9and 16 years old love this bed.
Overall happy with purchase
Overall, I’m happy with the purchase, it’s sturdy and not too complicated putting it together, only thing is that it was missing blots that go to it so hopefully the seller with send those to me
Bunk bed
My children love this bed it’s so durable and strong actually very easy to assemble my husband and 12yr old son put it together without any problems.
Do not buy
Worst bunk bed ever all the bars have bent and fallen out of the bed.
Follow the steps to a “T” and TAKE YOUR TIME!!
Super easy to put together especially if you’re a visual learner. It was tedious BUT fairly easy to put together! Definitely recommend!
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