Very easy to assemble!This bed frame is nice and sturdy! I like the color and by myself it took me about an hour to put together. It was super easy to assemble. Having an extra set of hands might have been nice, but a person can put it together alone. My photo isnt the best, but I wanted to show how nice it looks in person.
Takes up less space.I got this as part of an prime deal and so far I am really happy with it. Very easy to assemble, just takes a little time. Seems nice and sturdy. Plenty of room underneath of the frame as well for storage. It was packaged extremely well, to the point it was impressive but the box is insanely heavy so dont try and move it yourself. Everything arrived in good shape and went together smoothly. No creaking or squeaking as of yet. Definitely worth the price I think. Plus, everything will pack back up into the headboard for transport or storage, which is such a nice feature!
very stable.This bed was very easy to assemble. Its high enough to store some things under. The quality is great, and its very sturdy. Its a great price for such a nice bed.
Smart design.This product was described as written, very cute bed and super easy to assemble. The only thing I would say is when screwing in the screws with the little wrench thingy, It wears in tears and it is kind of hard to screw in all of the screws but other than that the product is perfect and I love it.
This item was correct.Received the bed with a big puncture hole through the back of the headboard into the foot board. Assembly is absolutely a 2 person job. The package is very heavy so keep that in mind. Once we got it assembled we noticed one of the support legs was stripped and wouldnt tighten so we basically had to superglue the bolt and secure it as a temp fix. Ive sent an email to the maker asking for replacement support legs and got zero response.
Overall. The bed is not a bad bed. But keep in mind you will want to measure and cut some pieces of wood to use as supports and watch for package damage. Youre getting what you pay for here I guess.
Works well.Do not recommend purchasing. Bought this bed less than 1.5 years ago. Lets just start this review off by making it clear Ive been married too long and this is not a result of anything kinky happening. This bed just lacks quality, strength, and support. It slides around and scuffs our wood floors anytime you simply go to lay down. It slid around enough in the first year that the bolts holding the center legs wiggled loose, bent, and some even broke. We replaced the center leg bolts once already only to have it happen again.
One of my best buys.Easy to assemble, took a little over an hour, very sturdy and material is very nice to the touch. Looks much more expensive and good value for price.
Great frame!
Very easy to assemble!This bed frame is nice and sturdy! I like the color and by myself it took me about an hour to put together. It was super easy to assemble. Having an extra set of hands might have been nice, but a person can put it together alone. My photo isnt the best, but I wanted to show how nice it looks in person.
Loving it!
Takes up less space.I got this as part of an prime deal and so far I am really happy with it. Very easy to assemble, just takes a little time. Seems nice and sturdy. Plenty of room underneath of the frame as well for storage. It was packaged extremely well, to the point it was impressive but the box is insanely heavy so dont try and move it yourself. Everything arrived in good shape and went together smoothly. No creaking or squeaking as of yet. Definitely worth the price I think. Plus, everything will pack back up into the headboard for transport or storage, which is such a nice feature!
I love my bed!
very stable.This bed was very easy to assemble. Its high enough to store some things under. The quality is great, and its very sturdy. Its a great price for such a nice bed.
Product as described
Smart design.This product was described as written, very cute bed and super easy to assemble. The only thing I would say is when screwing in the screws with the little wrench thingy, It wears in tears and it is kind of hard to screw in all of the screws but other than that the product is perfect and I love it.
Very sturdy and great quality
Simple to put together.Quicker delivery than expected. Not too hard to assemble this all by myself. Its pretty, simple and look. Love it!
Well made just what I was looking for!Comfortable bed, all the parts can fit inside the headboard, looks modern and clean.
This item was correct.Received the bed with a big puncture hole through the back of the headboard into the foot board. Assembly is absolutely a 2 person job. The package is very heavy so keep that in mind. Once we got it assembled we noticed one of the support legs was stripped and wouldnt tighten so we basically had to superglue the bolt and secure it as a temp fix. Ive sent an email to the maker asking for replacement support legs and got zero response. Overall. The bed is not a bad bed. But keep in mind you will want to measure and cut some pieces of wood to use as supports and watch for package damage. Youre getting what you pay for here I guess.
Center support legs broke in first year
Works well.Do not recommend purchasing. Bought this bed less than 1.5 years ago. Lets just start this review off by making it clear Ive been married too long and this is not a result of anything kinky happening. This bed just lacks quality, strength, and support. It slides around and scuffs our wood floors anytime you simply go to lay down. It slid around enough in the first year that the bolts holding the center legs wiggled loose, bent, and some even broke. We replaced the center leg bolts once already only to have it happen again.
Beautiful bed frame
One of my best buys.Easy to assemble, took a little over an hour, very sturdy and material is very nice to the touch. Looks much more expensive and good value for price.
Beautiful bed
Quick ship.It was easy to put together and very sturdy. Weve had it for 2 days but hopefully it holds up.
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