Bought this for our 7 year old and for the price this is a great bed! It's sturdy and heavy and my 7 year old loves it! I gave it four stars on assembly because the handles on drawers were off and honestly that took us the longest because the screw wouldn't line up. If it wasn't for that a perfect five!
I bought this for a full size mattress. it fits the bed perfectly and the drawers underneath are really convenient for a room with little storage space. The directions say that you need two people to assemble the frame but I was able to put it together by myself in a few hours. The only down side was that the frame came in the mail in two separate shipments on dates different than I specified, but I don't think that is the seller's fault.
I would suggest having two people to put item together, instructions are easy to understand, it says do not use a drill but I did and it wasn't a problem.
I am a 49 year old woman and I assembled this bed by myself. The holes in the drawers for the handles were slightly too far apart so I had to drill them out a little, but other than that, the rest of the bed frame went together very easily. The bed feels very sturdy and well made.
For my teenager, welcome extra storage! I put it together on my own and it wasn't that difficult with the instructions! The color is beautiful, the drawers slide easily, it is sturdy! I love!
These directions absolutely sucked!! Nothing was labeled! All the parts just came in one big bag all together. The pieces to hold the wood together to connect to the frame are just cheap! I can see me having to find something later on to replace those boards.
The pull out bed keeps getting stuck and takes a lot of effort to put back. I do not recommend for anyone with a back problem or strength issues. The drawers are even worse. Were hoping some WD40 will help. I would pay about $150 for this quality. Double check the size of your twin mattress. Not all twin mattresses are the same size and ours were too small for this bed - 2 inches of slats are exposed. I should have stuck with IKEA
Arrived fast, so far so good on steadiness though rarely used
Needs patience to assemble for one person
The seller charged me for delivery, on purchase it was part of the prime delivery or I could have been mistaken. If delivery was not I would not have bought it was not part of the deal but by time I realized, I had assembled the bed.
Great bed- would recommend!
Bought this for our 7 year old and for the price this is a great bed! It's sturdy and heavy and my 7 year old loves it! I gave it four stars on assembly because the handles on drawers were off and honestly that took us the longest because the screw wouldn't line up. If it wasn't for that a perfect five!
Fits my bed well and was easy to put together
I bought this for a full size mattress. it fits the bed perfectly and the drawers underneath are really convenient for a room with little storage space. The directions say that you need two people to assemble the frame but I was able to put it together by myself in a few hours. The only down side was that the frame came in the mail in two separate shipments on dates different than I specified, but I don't think that is the seller's fault.
Nice bed
My kid loves it. Love the color and drawers.
looks amazing!!!!!
I would suggest having two people to put item together, instructions are easy to understand, it says do not use a drill but I did and it wasn't a problem.
The price was a little too high. Bed is nice but the drawers are flimsy.
Add drill to list of assembly tools.
I am a 49 year old woman and I assembled this bed by myself. The holes in the drawers for the handles were slightly too far apart so I had to drill them out a little, but other than that, the rest of the bed frame went together very easily. The bed feels very sturdy and well made.
For my teenager, welcome extra storage!
For my teenager, welcome extra storage! I put it together on my own and it wasn't that difficult with the instructions! The color is beautiful, the drawers slide easily, it is sturdy! I love!
Worst directions ever
These directions absolutely sucked!! Nothing was labeled! All the parts just came in one big bag all together. The pieces to hold the wood together to connect to the frame are just cheap! I can see me having to find something later on to replace those boards.
Not worth the cost
The pull out bed keeps getting stuck and takes a lot of effort to put back. I do not recommend for anyone with a back problem or strength issues. The drawers are even worse. Were hoping some WD40 will help. I would pay about $150 for this quality. Double check the size of your twin mattress. Not all twin mattresses are the same size and ours were too small for this bed - 2 inches of slats are exposed. I should have stuck with IKEA
Was so too expensive with delivery fees charged
Arrived fast, so far so good on steadiness though rarely used Needs patience to assemble for one person The seller charged me for delivery, on purchase it was part of the prime delivery or I could have been mistaken. If delivery was not I would not have bought it was not part of the deal but by time I realized, I had assembled the bed.
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