Great buy, at first I was not sure of this product because of the price. The color is beautiful. It took me about 2 hours to put together because I'm usually have problems with putting stuff like this together, however, I didn't even need help from husband. My 2 year old loves this bed. I looks great in my daughter's room.
Very pretty and surprisingly sturdy for the money. I would give it a 5 star except the assembly of the slats was ridiculously challenging by myself. I said more curse words in the hour it took than I have said in several months!!
Tip: if assembling alone turn it on its side to get slats aligned. If not every time you try to screw it down a few slats pop out and you have to start over. I dont want to admit how many times that happened!! Super frustrating!
Once assembled my daughter loves it. Perfect size for her and she cannot roll out.
The cutest little toddler bed ever! Just so everyone is aware, this bed fits a CRIB mattress, not a twin sized one. My son is 23 months old and he sleeps in this just fine. I love it because he has freedom to get up if he needs me in the middle of the night. HOWEVER, I wish the rails went all the way to the end of the bed because I heard him crying in the middle of the night the other evening and he had fallen out of it . (He tosses and turns a a lot). The assembly was pretty easy, anyone with just a small amount of common sense could follow the instructions and put it together. Im a woman and normally would have my boyfriend put this together for me but I was surprised at how simple it was. The blue color is super cute, it makes it unique so its not just boring white like most beds out there. The price is not bad considering Ill probably have to buy a new one pretty soon since like I mentioned earlier, it is only the size of his infant crib (I just used the same mattress that I already had from the crib) and he is growing fast.
Cute little bed
Cute little toddler bed. Easy to assemble and a perfect transition utilizing a crib mattress.
Good buy
I bought this for my great granddaughters They are so happy with their beds
Super cute and sturdy
Super cute and sturdy
Great price, great product
Bought this for my niece. It is a great value
Love it
Great toddler bed and the pink is so cute.
Good toddler bed.
Purchased this for my grandson. He loves it.
Awesome bed
Great buy, at first I was not sure of this product because of the price. The color is beautiful. It took me about 2 hours to put together because I'm usually have problems with putting stuff like this together, however, I didn't even need help from husband. My 2 year old loves this bed. I looks great in my daughter's room.
Perfect for my 2 year old. Easy to assemble.
Frustrating to assemble but great product when its done
Very pretty and surprisingly sturdy for the money. I would give it a 5 star except the assembly of the slats was ridiculously challenging by myself. I said more curse words in the hour it took than I have said in several months!! Tip: if assembling alone turn it on its side to get slats aligned. If not every time you try to screw it down a few slats pop out and you have to start over. I dont want to admit how many times that happened!! Super frustrating! Once assembled my daughter loves it. Perfect size for her and she cannot roll out.
Great bed, super happy with quality!
The cutest little toddler bed ever! Just so everyone is aware, this bed fits a CRIB mattress, not a twin sized one. My son is 23 months old and he sleeps in this just fine. I love it because he has freedom to get up if he needs me in the middle of the night. HOWEVER, I wish the rails went all the way to the end of the bed because I heard him crying in the middle of the night the other evening and he had fallen out of it . (He tosses and turns a a lot). The assembly was pretty easy, anyone with just a small amount of common sense could follow the instructions and put it together. Im a woman and normally would have my boyfriend put this together for me but I was surprised at how simple it was. The blue color is super cute, it makes it unique so its not just boring white like most beds out there. The price is not bad considering Ill probably have to buy a new one pretty soon since like I mentioned earlier, it is only the size of his infant crib (I just used the same mattress that I already had from the crib) and he is growing fast.
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