Very good product. Heavy, but sturdy, good design. Easy enough to put together (about 1 hour) and feels stable. Our kids love them. Great buy for the money. I dont leave a lot of reviews, but thought highly enough about these to take the time. Seems great so far!
This is a sturdy bed. We have it for a teenager, and her younger sisters bed is underneath it. And there is the problem: this bed creaks. We have partially solved this by getting a much thicker and sturdier mattress, but if I had known it would creak so much, I probably wouldnt have bought it. Still, it is sturdy, looks neat and my daughter is happy with it. I do like that the ladder has proper steps that dont hurt your feet.
I bought this bed for my 8 year old, and she loves it! The height is perfect for all of her barbies/barbie house to fit under, and she has so much more room in her room. They only con is when I have to get up there to change her sheets, and that is due to me not liking to be up that high. The bed it sturdy, and I love that it has ladders on both sides, so I can put it anywhere in her room. High quality product. Takes time to assemble.
I appreciated all the other reviews so just wanted to chime in - I love the finished product and tested it out myself the first night it was assembled! So sturdy comfy! (58 BMI 25) I had the benefit of not 1, not 2, but *3* helpers and it took about 3hrs between the four of us, 2 of whom are contractors so yeah, just listen to what everyone has said and make it a full on assembly party, dont assemble it yourself if you have a choice! Thank you everyone for the tips and if youre a shopper hope you find what youre looking for. Personally stoked with the end result for my home office/guest bedroom. Very Sufficient for the Price
This bed is sturdy and heavy. It is a two person job. It gave it a 4 because there were scratches but its from dont expect it to be 100%. Keep expectations realistic. I would recommend.
2 people a drill speed up the process. Overall great product love the look how sturdy it is. However the side medal came dented in 2 places with some scratches. Other than that we love it! Just buy it!!!
Loved loaf is wonderful and I am a 66year old grandma and put it together by myself, with the help of a ladder. I followed the directions except how to put the legs on. I then used a ladder If youre trying to decide- buy it.
Love this bed. It is sturdy and heavy duty. Make sure you have help putting it together though. It is very heavy and difficult to put together alone. Just what I was looking for
Sturdy, good quality, easy to put together
Very good product. Heavy, but sturdy, good design. Easy enough to put together (about 1 hour) and feels stable. Our kids love them. Great buy for the money. I dont leave a lot of reviews, but thought highly enough about these to take the time. Seems great so far!
Sturdy, but creaks
This is a sturdy bed. We have it for a teenager, and her younger sisters bed is underneath it. And there is the problem: this bed creaks. We have partially solved this by getting a much thicker and sturdier mattress, but if I had known it would creak so much, I probably wouldnt have bought it. Still, it is sturdy, looks neat and my daughter is happy with it. I do like that the ladder has proper steps that dont hurt your feet.
Good value
Tricky to assemble alone, so find a friend. Overall its a great, sturdy bed for a decent price So far so good! Looks great and feels sturdy
Space saver
I bought this bed for my 8 year old, and she loves it! The height is perfect for all of her barbies/barbie house to fit under, and she has so much more room in her room. They only con is when I have to get up there to change her sheets, and that is due to me not liking to be up that high. The bed it sturdy, and I love that it has ladders on both sides, so I can put it anywhere in her room. High quality product. Takes time to assemble.
I appreciated all the other reviews so just wanted to chime in - I love the finished product and tested it out myself the first night it was assembled! So sturdy comfy! (58 BMI 25) I had the benefit of not 1, not 2, but *3* helpers and it took about 3hrs between the four of us, 2 of whom are contractors so yeah, just listen to what everyone has said and make it a full on assembly party, dont assemble it yourself if you have a choice! Thank you everyone for the tips and if youre a shopper hope you find what youre looking for. Personally stoked with the end result for my home office/guest bedroom. Very Sufficient for the Price
Good quality
This bed is sturdy and heavy. It is a two person job. It gave it a 4 because there were scratches but its from dont expect it to be 100%. Keep expectations realistic. I would recommend.
Love it
Love it! A+1 Better than I expected!
Nice sturdy
2 people a drill speed up the process. Overall great product love the look how sturdy it is. However the side medal came dented in 2 places with some scratches. Other than that we love it! Just buy it!!!
Loved loaf is wonderful and I am a 66year old grandma and put it together by myself, with the help of a ladder. I followed the directions except how to put the legs on. I then used a ladder If youre trying to decide- buy it.
Great quality
Love this bed. It is sturdy and heavy duty. Make sure you have help putting it together though. It is very heavy and difficult to put together alone. Just what I was looking for
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