Ive had this table for just over a month. I picked up the white which worked best in our living room. It was easy to assemble and a good value for the price. Very Sturdy product.
Was super easy to put together. Sturdy and the perfect size. Only downside is the baskets. They are difficult to get out and shed terribly. They do not seem very functional. Other than that it is perfect and I love it yes we like it.
Not deep which is perfect if you have a narrow entry or hall. Purchased specifically for the size (and then we moved). Its a nice look with the rattan weave drawers, but theyre a pain to open/close and leave behind little bits of the rattan all over the floor. It lists distressed in the description, but I didnt notice that at all. Maybe if the drawers were just a bit smaller. really good.
I bought this table for my front entry. The color (distressed white) is very neutral and blends well with my oil rubbed sconce hardware and mirror fram as well as my beige walls. Very easy to assemble but dont expect perfect fit and finish at this price point. You may need to adjust leg length with a felt pad. or fill in a chip/void with some white wood filler. Overall, very happy with the table for the price point. Very well made.
I loved that its beautiful and was really easy to assemble. Perfect!!
Finally a table I like!
Ive had this table for just over a month. I picked up the white which worked best in our living room. It was easy to assemble and a good value for the price. Very Sturdy product.
Good quality for what you pay for and easy assembly
Was super easy to put together. Sturdy and the perfect size. Only downside is the baskets. They are difficult to get out and shed terribly. They do not seem very functional. Other than that it is perfect and I love it yes we like it.
great table
this table is so nice. great quality, sturdy. I was able to put together in 5 mins. using it for a coffee bar in dinning for Very easy to set up!
Drawers are tough to open/close
Not deep which is perfect if you have a narrow entry or hall. Purchased specifically for the size (and then we moved). Its a nice look with the rattan weave drawers, but theyre a pain to open/close and leave behind little bits of the rattan all over the floor. It lists distressed in the description, but I didnt notice that at all. Maybe if the drawers were just a bit smaller. really good.
Love it!!
I have never written a review before but this piece is better than expected! Sturdy, and great quality, looks wonderful. My son loves it!!
Nice console table for the price
I bought this table for my front entry. The color (distressed white) is very neutral and blends well with my oil rubbed sconce hardware and mirror fram as well as my beige walls. Very easy to assemble but dont expect perfect fit and finish at this price point. You may need to adjust leg length with a felt pad. or fill in a chip/void with some white wood filler. Overall, very happy with the table for the price point. Very well made.
Looks adorable in my room!! The easiest piece of furniture Ive ever put together!! Love it!! Worth the price !!!
Love it! So easy and so beautiful!
Beautiful piece! So easy to assemble (legs only) and very sturdy. Ordered 3! Super.
Beautiful side table
Love this table and easy to put together. Very pleased!
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