Quick ship. I never ever write reviews. But I think this queen size bed frame deserves my review!! Easy to assemble step by step, very sturdy and arrived on time. I purchased it for my daughter bed. Very, very happy Thank you
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. Love the frame! Its simple and cute. Very easy to put together. Though one part of the frame was slightly tilted making it hard to slide together in one spot, but I used some force and jammed it in. Works just fine!
Sturdy. My husband was impressed (not easily done) with its sturdiness. I bought this for an air mattress. I was happy with the fit. I did have an issue with the cross boards for the mattress, as it apparently is made for a box spring. The boards had 3 1/4 spaces in between them. I didnt care for that, so we bought additional boards, planed them down to the correct height to match the original boards, cut the boards to 3 1/4 and 57 long. May seem like a lot of work, but it really wasnt. Then I bought a FestiCorp Non Slip Rug Pads 5x7 Ft Non Skid Rug Pad Gripper, Anti/Slip Carpet Rug Mat to put over the boards to protect the mattress, and I didnt want it slipping over the boards. It was about an extra 55 for the boards and pad, but well spent money. Then we took and used screws and bolts and attached a headboard to it. VERY HAPPY WITH FRAME, and not at all put out with a little extra effort.
What I will say about this bed frame is that your mattress stays sturdy. Once you add the adhesive so the mattress wont move.IT DOES NOT MOVE! 10/10 for that part but other then that, I feel like some parts where not made properly and it was hard to align it with the other pieces we had to align it with. So with that being the caseit was hard to screw the pieces in properly. If it wasnt for that issuewe most likely would of assembled this bed frame in less then 10 minutes but because nothing was aligning (we literally hard to hammer it in or bend the frame so it can align properly to allow the screws to screw in) it took us about an hour. Not worth your money, just keep looking around and read the reviews.
Space saver. Perfect for my toddler transitioning out of toddler bed. Easy to put together for one person, took me maybe 25 minutes. Only thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars is one part of the frame was damaged. It was bent pretty good, but luckily it was on the top of the frame and not the bottom that sits on the floor so it did not effect how the bed sat and I put the damaged part against the wall so you will never know!
Works great! Purchased this for a 4 memory foam mattress I keep in my office/chill room. It was easy to assemble and took my less than 30 minutes. I step on it to get to the corner to lounge and it is super sturdy. The s are perfectly spaced for a thin mattress as well. No noises, no issues. My cats also love it!
Worth every penny
Quick ship. I never ever write reviews. But I think this queen size bed frame deserves my review!! Easy to assemble step by step, very sturdy and arrived on time. I purchased it for my daughter bed. Very, very happy Thank you
Great frame!
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. Love the frame! Its simple and cute. Very easy to put together. Though one part of the frame was slightly tilted making it hard to slide together in one spot, but I used some force and jammed it in. Works just fine!
Husband was impressed
Sturdy. My husband was impressed (not easily done) with its sturdiness. I bought this for an air mattress. I was happy with the fit. I did have an issue with the cross boards for the mattress, as it apparently is made for a box spring. The boards had 3 1/4 spaces in between them. I didnt care for that, so we bought additional boards, planed them down to the correct height to match the original boards, cut the boards to 3 1/4 and 57 long. May seem like a lot of work, but it really wasnt. Then I bought a FestiCorp Non Slip Rug Pads 5x7 Ft Non Skid Rug Pad Gripper, Anti/Slip Carpet Rug Mat to put over the boards to protect the mattress, and I didnt want it slipping over the boards. It was about an extra 55 for the boards and pad, but well spent money. Then we took and used screws and bolts and attached a headboard to it. VERY HAPPY WITH FRAME, and not at all put out with a little extra effort.
Do not buy!
What I will say about this bed frame is that your mattress stays sturdy. Once you add the adhesive so the mattress wont move.IT DOES NOT MOVE! 10/10 for that part but other then that, I feel like some parts where not made properly and it was hard to align it with the other pieces we had to align it with. So with that being the caseit was hard to screw the pieces in properly. If it wasnt for that issuewe most likely would of assembled this bed frame in less then 10 minutes but because nothing was aligning (we literally hard to hammer it in or bend the frame so it can align properly to allow the screws to screw in) it took us about an hour. Not worth your money, just keep looking around and read the reviews.
Do it
Worth it!!! I love how high it is underneath for storage
Works well
Simple and easy to put together. This bed frame is very sturdy and doesnt creak or squeak at all. Its low to the ground but thats what we needed.
Ok. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy!
Great bed, but arrived damaged.
Space saver. Perfect for my toddler transitioning out of toddler bed. Easy to put together for one person, took me maybe 25 minutes. Only thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars is one part of the frame was damaged. It was bent pretty good, but luckily it was on the top of the frame and not the bottom that sits on the floor so it did not effect how the bed sat and I put the damaged part against the wall so you will never know!
Very functional. Very sturdy bed frame that is easy to install. Each shelf has a corresponding number
Easy to put up!
Works great! Purchased this for a 4 memory foam mattress I keep in my office/chill room. It was easy to assemble and took my less than 30 minutes. I step on it to get to the corner to lounge and it is super sturdy. The s are perfectly spaced for a thin mattress as well. No noises, no issues. My cats also love it!
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