I bought this for my two year old (and me). I needed something sturdy for nights when I may be sleeping with my baby so this worked out perfectly! It sits low so my toddler can get out of her bed with ease. The corners became a concern but I simply used a baby proof corner stick to prevent from scraping my lil ones leg. Other than that, it worked out great. Came with all tools and instructions needed. Put it together in 20 minutes. Arrived on time, no damages. Overall, it was definitely worth my money. Looks nice and sturdy.
much smaller than pictured. The assembly of the frame was very easy, didnt even need to read the manual really. The frame is very light weight so its easy to move around. It looks very stylish too, however I had to tape down the s to secure it before putting on the mattress, which required two people to lift it up entirely and place it right in place. They gave you some anti/slip stickers to place beneath the s, but without securing the s down with tape, the s would fall off the sides when placing the mattress down and when repositioning the mattress the sticker on the s would stick to the bottom of the mattress and mess up all the positions. Good thing the frame is , so I used duct tape to tape it down. Havent slept on it yet, so not sure if the mattress would move.
We purchased this for our guest room. My 80 year old mom slept on it and loved it! Very happy with the firmness and the low height of this bed! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
This is a great product that is super easy to put together. Line up 1 with 1 and put in a bolt! Tighten everything down and no squeaking or movement of any kind. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
I was surprised at how easily this fram went together. Took my son only 20 minutes to complete the process and set it up. Price was a little more than I wanted to pay when I ordered it, but I wanted a very low frame so my dog couldnt get under it. I put a regular Queen box spring onto the frame and then an Ashley 12 Chime memory foam mattress. Very study and very comfortable. Good quality.
Good quality. This was the firt time I bought a frame like this. And it was easy to put together. Mattress doesnt slide, good under the bed space to store seasonal items. I have been with it for about 6 months. Great!
This bed frame was really easy to put together and I put together by myself in like 2 hours. The boards are velcroed to the frame though and they sometimes pull up a bit, but its not a huge issue since the mattress keeps it all down and in place. Good quality.
Definitely worth it!!!
I bought this for my two year old (and me). I needed something sturdy for nights when I may be sleeping with my baby so this worked out perfectly! It sits low so my toddler can get out of her bed with ease. The corners became a concern but I simply used a baby proof corner stick to prevent from scraping my lil ones leg. Other than that, it worked out great. Came with all tools and instructions needed. Put it together in 20 minutes. Arrived on time, no damages. Overall, it was definitely worth my money. Looks nice and sturdy.
Easy to assemble, except for the s
much smaller than pictured. The assembly of the frame was very easy, didnt even need to read the manual really. The frame is very light weight so its easy to move around. It looks very stylish too, however I had to tape down the s to secure it before putting on the mattress, which required two people to lift it up entirely and place it right in place. They gave you some anti/slip stickers to place beneath the s, but without securing the s down with tape, the s would fall off the sides when placing the mattress down and when repositioning the mattress the sticker on the s would stick to the bottom of the mattress and mess up all the positions. Good thing the frame is , so I used duct tape to tape it down. Havent slept on it yet, so not sure if the mattress would move.
Just what we needed.
Great for our toddler. Easy to assemble. thanks great product.
Very comfortable
We purchased this for our guest room. My 80 year old mom slept on it and loved it! Very happy with the firmness and the low height of this bed! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Solid product and easy to put together.
This is a great product that is super easy to put together. Line up 1 with 1 and put in a bolt! Tighten everything down and no squeaking or movement of any kind. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Quality and price
I was surprised at how easily this fram went together. Took my son only 20 minutes to complete the process and set it up. Price was a little more than I wanted to pay when I ordered it, but I wanted a very low frame so my dog couldnt get under it. I put a regular Queen box spring onto the frame and then an Ashley 12 Chime memory foam mattress. Very study and very comfortable. Good quality.
Do not by cheap
This is the worst decision Ive made i ordered this in march 2019 now it September.
So easy
Installed in minutes, its great Value for money.
Easy to set up
Good quality. This was the firt time I bought a frame like this. And it was easy to put together. Mattress doesnt slide, good under the bed space to store seasonal items. I have been with it for about 6 months. Great!
Happy with it!
This bed frame was really easy to put together and I put together by myself in like 2 hours. The boards are velcroed to the frame though and they sometimes pull up a bit, but its not a huge issue since the mattress keeps it all down and in place. Good quality.
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