This is a very sturdy bed. My grandson loves the little ladder. It looks so cute in his room. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
My husband got is assembled quickly and it seems really sturdy. There was 1 commenter on here that said the 2nd step is too close to the frame, that is 100 true. Our almost 2yr old has a hard time getting his footing on that step, were going to see if we can make that better ourselves. Our son has also been jumping on the bed, so far it has held up well. Ill definitely come back and update if something doesnt hold up on it. Product is exactly as descriproduct
This is a great bed, especially for a toddler. My 2 year old loves it and does very well in it. I do wish the second ladder step was lower. Its tough for him to get his foot in the step because it is so close to the frame. Awesome piece of product
Its Heavy! When it arrives. I liked that it is all real wood, not particle board. A couple of the pieces had a little splitting, like natural wood does. They didnt appear structural. I didnt like the crappy little hex bolts for almost everything. Power tools with torque settings have been around for a long time, wouldve been nice to use them, and saved a good bit of time. Have a helper for assembly, as that was pretty big. One point the directions had a layout issue, they showed one angled left and then the next step was angled right. It involved a little imagination. Seems sturdy though. I like that the lower part is almost on the ground, lower than even a toddler bed. Ball end hex keys helped speed the process. Sturdier than I expected
Great bed but issues with the slats as they were to short and now are a safety hard for my 2 year old. This bed all and all is fine, the assembly took 2 people which wasnt a deal breaker but the slats are a serious issue. I have emailed the company about to issue but it seems to be an issue they occur often as I read other reviews where people had the same issue. I am so disappointed.
Get bed for our little one
It took about a hour to put up and its working out great Its okay
Sturdy and cute!
This is a very sturdy bed. My grandson loves the little ladder. It looks so cute in his room. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
So far so good!
My husband got is assembled quickly and it seems really sturdy. There was 1 commenter on here that said the 2nd step is too close to the frame, that is 100 true. Our almost 2yr old has a hard time getting his footing on that step, were going to see if we can make that better ourselves. Our son has also been jumping on the bed, so far it has held up well. Ill definitely come back and update if something doesnt hold up on it. Product is exactly as descriproduct
Awesome. Very happy customer!
Awesome bed for a awesome price. Perfect for my 4yr old! I am very happy with it
Great bed!
This is a great bed, especially for a toddler. My 2 year old loves it and does very well in it. I do wish the second ladder step was lower. Its tough for him to get his foot in the step because it is so close to the frame. Awesome piece of product
Works as it should, my daughter loves her new big bed vs the old crib mattress! Good value and cute color.
Have a helper, and a good set of ball end hex keys.
Its Heavy! When it arrives. I liked that it is all real wood, not particle board. A couple of the pieces had a little splitting, like natural wood does. They didnt appear structural. I didnt like the crappy little hex bolts for almost everything. Power tools with torque settings have been around for a long time, wouldve been nice to use them, and saved a good bit of time. Have a helper for assembly, as that was pretty big. One point the directions had a layout issue, they showed one angled left and then the next step was angled right. It involved a little imagination. Seems sturdy though. I like that the lower part is almost on the ground, lower than even a toddler bed. Ball end hex keys helped speed the process. Sturdier than I expected
Great bed expect one thing
Great bed but issues with the slats as they were to short and now are a safety hard for my 2 year old. This bed all and all is fine, the assembly took 2 people which wasnt a deal breaker but the slats are a serious issue. I have emailed the company about to issue but it seems to be an issue they occur often as I read other reviews where people had the same issue. I am so disappointed.
Great Bunk Bed!
Good instructions of how to put it together. My kids love it I would definitely buy again.
Well made
This bed is EXACTLY what our daughter wanted!! It was easy to assemble and is beautiful!! so beautiful and wonderful
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