Its a pretty good bed frame especially for the price. There were some manufacturing issues which made assembling it a bit difficult at first. But I was able to work around it so everything is great I really like it.
Got the bed for my son as he's getting taller and the standard twin is a little short. It was easy to put together, went up fairly quick, under 45 mins from opening box to setting mattress on top. We did notice that it seemed a little wobbly at first, but we were able to pull the mattress off and tighten the screws down a tighter. Seems now to be more stable but may have to re tighten later. I will check in another week or so just make sure it's still secure.
Helped my brother pick this out he didnt want anything fancy, just inexpensive, simple but classic. Didnt take us very long to put together. He would buy again. Got a queen size
Simply good.
Affordable, easy to assemble and pretty darn durable.
Good buy
I was impressed that the description matched the product.
I was worried about the reviews but it turned out pretty great!
Its a pretty good bed frame especially for the price. There were some manufacturing issues which made assembling it a bit difficult at first. But I was able to work around it so everything is great I really like it.
nice look and great price
Got the bed for my son as he's getting taller and the standard twin is a little short. It was easy to put together, went up fairly quick, under 45 mins from opening box to setting mattress on top. We did notice that it seemed a little wobbly at first, but we were able to pull the mattress off and tighten the screws down a tighter. Seems now to be more stable but may have to re tighten later. I will check in another week or so just make sure it's still secure.
Sturdy and a good value
I like this so much more than a metal foundation
Comfy bed
Easy to install and use. Good value for money. Would recommend it anyday
Great frame
Great base for a California King bed
Loved it! Nice and easy to put together.
Must buy
Best purchase for my bed. Easy to put together and sturdy.
Dogs favorite hiding spot
Helped my brother pick this out he didnt want anything fancy, just inexpensive, simple but classic. Didnt take us very long to put together. He would buy again. Got a queen size
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