I am really impressed with the durability and style of these bundbeds. For the price I was really worried about durability and that it would not be safe for my two teenage boys due to their age and size. They are not tiny toddlers! But we really needed bunk beds due to the size of their bedroom so we took a chance on these. Quality is great, they are very sturdy and feel solid. My only suggestion is to pay close attention to the directions! Some of the pieces look the same but are not. If you use the wrong pieces youll have it halfway put together and then realize that you have to take it all apart again. But if you follow the directions closely and the labels on each piece it comes together quickly. Very Sturdy product.
The manual was perfectly written, the steps were easy to follow. The quality of the bed was excellent! I purchased this bed for my daughters and they loved! If you follow the instructions youll end up with A great bed! Very easy to set up!
A great bunkbed for kids, younger kids. Since it is so low, I would not recommend if you are purchasing for older kids/teenagers. It was quite easy to assemble even though the instructions were not always straightforward. It is overall a very good bed and super sturdy. Very well made.
I like the bed. The only bad thing about it is that one of the boards in the top bunk broke no less than a week after I put it together. There are no extra parts so I will have to go to my local hardware store to get a replacement board. And an extra one so it supports weight better. Other than that its a really cute bed and a good price. Super.
Good quality
Liked everything about it. Liked the color. Was easy to assemble. Perfect!!
Pay attention!
I am really impressed with the durability and style of these bundbeds. For the price I was really worried about durability and that it would not be safe for my two teenage boys due to their age and size. They are not tiny toddlers! But we really needed bunk beds due to the size of their bedroom so we took a chance on these. Quality is great, they are very sturdy and feel solid. My only suggestion is to pay close attention to the directions! Some of the pieces look the same but are not. If you use the wrong pieces youll have it halfway put together and then realize that you have to take it all apart again. But if you follow the directions closely and the labels on each piece it comes together quickly. Very Sturdy product.
Very sturdy, good quality beds
Great quality, sturdy wood, easy to assemble, great instructions. Love the color. You can also use the beds separately yes we like it.
Quality of the product was EXCELLENT
The manual was perfectly written, the steps were easy to follow. The quality of the bed was excellent! I purchased this bed for my daughters and they loved! If you follow the instructions youll end up with A great bed! Very easy to set up!
My kids love their new bed
Very easy to assemble it is very sturdy my kids love their new bed thank u Really good.
Easy to assemble and sturdy!!
The process didnt take us as long as we thought it would. Very sturdy bunk beds. My teenage nieces loved the color of the wood. My son loves it!!
Sturdy Bunkbed
A great bunkbed for kids, younger kids. Since it is so low, I would not recommend if you are purchasing for older kids/teenagers. It was quite easy to assemble even though the instructions were not always straightforward. It is overall a very good bed and super sturdy. Very well made.
Good quality bunk bed
sturdy bed just wasnt 100 percent sure about the slates one of them broke during assembly had to go for partial refund Worth the price !!!
Cute Bed
I like the bed. The only bad thing about it is that one of the boards in the top bunk broke no less than a week after I put it together. There are no extra parts so I will have to go to my local hardware store to get a replacement board. And an extra one so it supports weight better. Other than that its a really cute bed and a good price. Super.
No major problems
Outside of a few screws that were stripped and some of the pieces coming scratched up it worked out fine. No other issues. Kids love it! Very pleased!
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