Exactly what I was looking for in my new apartment. I do have an issue with one of the chairs; the cushions are defective, but the seller is sending me a replacement. Hassle free experience with their customer service! They were also pretty easy to assemble. Cheap sturdy stylish!!!
I love that it fits beautifully! Perfect size for my home, which is a fairly small living space. Assembly took about 45 minutes after unboxing. Instructions were easy to follow too. Your fingers might hurt if you arent used to allen wrench. Since the items are sealed airtight there may be some wrinkles, but they will
go away. Be patient. Give it time, its worth it. I spent a lot on my sofa and knew I wanted to complement it with two side chairs, but didnt want to spend a lot of money. The chairs were reasonably priced and more importantly, they are super comfortable! I will add cushions for color but was too anxious to share the good buy. If able, I will update the review with non holiday decor and new pillows.
The customer service is excellent too. The vendor reached out several ways to ensure I was happy with my product. It is really pretty
We had gotten a couch and chair set before and the chair had broken. We really like the way it fits in our space so ordered the same chair. It has a new design as far as the way it assembls and is so much better!! Love the way it fits in out front sitting room and is comfortable enough but not too comfortable to have people sleep on it. Very comfortable, worth the money
These chairs work fine for our space. They arent quite as comfortable as I had hoped but are a good accent chair for the price. The color is slightly more blue than gray. The last picture shows how it compares to the test chair you can place in your room to see what it looks like before buying. just what i need!
Good arm chair
Good arm chair! Perfect for my needs
Very nice chairs
Used in a reading/coffee corner of the living room Just as described
Perfect for the Job
Exactly what I was looking for in my new apartment. I do have an issue with one of the chairs; the cushions are defective, but the seller is sending me a replacement. Hassle free experience with their customer service! They were also pretty easy to assemble. Cheap sturdy stylish!!!
Loving this!
I love that it fits beautifully! Perfect size for my home, which is a fairly small living space. Assembly took about 45 minutes after unboxing. Instructions were easy to follow too. Your fingers might hurt if you arent used to allen wrench. Since the items are sealed airtight there may be some wrinkles, but they will go away. Be patient. Give it time, its worth it. I spent a lot on my sofa and knew I wanted to complement it with two side chairs, but didnt want to spend a lot of money. The chairs were reasonably priced and more importantly, they are super comfortable! I will add cushions for color but was too anxious to share the good buy. If able, I will update the review with non holiday decor and new pillows. The customer service is excellent too. The vendor reached out several ways to ensure I was happy with my product. It is really pretty
Great purchase - reasonably priced, easy to assemble, made from quality materials.
well packed, easy to assemble and quality materials ez to install!
Perfect for my space.
We had gotten a couch and chair set before and the chair had broken. We really like the way it fits in our space so ordered the same chair. It has a new design as far as the way it assembls and is so much better!! Love the way it fits in out front sitting room and is comfortable enough but not too comfortable to have people sleep on it. Very comfortable, worth the money
Lovely Modern Chair
Honestly very easy to assemble and definitely works for small areas as well as in big rooms! Overall a pretty nice and modern chair! suit for my need!
For my office.
Perfect cute chair for my office. Super easy to assemble, sturdy, comfy and fashionable. Just what we were looking at a great price
Not bad for the price
These chairs work fine for our space. They arent quite as comfortable as I had hoped but are a good accent chair for the price. The color is slightly more blue than gray. The last picture shows how it compares to the test chair you can place in your room to see what it looks like before buying. just what i need!
Great customer service
The product did not fit well on my space and I contacted them, they answer really quick and they are going to refund me. Perfect for what I wanted
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