My kids are loving this bunk bed. It was easy to assemble, although it is a large piece of furniture so there are a fair number of assembly steps. Im most impressed with how sturdy it is. So many bunk beds we checked out would easily sway some if you pushed the top bunk. This bed is solid though. The most solid assemble yourself furniture Ive had. And this was probably the least expensive bed we checked out. Win, win, win. I would definitely buy again.
Bed is very sturdy and looks great just like the pictures! However, it was very difficult to put together, we had to piece every little section together, it was a lot of work. so beautiful and wonderful
My kid is 17 and we needed a smaller bed in her rooms. She downsized from a queen. She fits fine in this bed but I do wish it were about 6/12 inches taller off the ground including the length of the legs and headboard. It will be find as we are making seating and art studio space in her room. The length is great just like any twin and it was pretty easy to assemble. There was a long scratch in the top of the headboard but I didnt notice it until the bed was together. So just check all your pieces for scratches first. By the time we go it together, I was NOT ordering another piece. We are just dealing with it! It looks really nice and Id buy it for a 6yo / 15yo if I had to suggest! Im happy with my purchase
Very pleased with this bed. Its solid wood and extremely sturdy and stiff once you get it together. Instructions are straightforward, but you will need a drill to fix two brackets and a few screws for which there are no predrilled holes. You dont need to pre/drill the holes, but youll want a cordless drill with a Phillips bit to drive them in. You also need to measure and mark the cross brace brackets on the foot board and headboard to make sure theyre at the same height and even with the side rails. The instructions dont tell you to do this. Go slow measure twice. Otherwise pretty straightforward. Highly recommend
The bed was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. When a local mattress company came by to drop off my 3yos new mattress yesterday, he commented that the bed needs additional slats or that Id need to place a piece of plywood over the slats to prevent the mattress from developing a wave. An annoying extra cost/step but otherwise, the bed seems good. Quality seems to be good so far
I bought this as my daughters first big girl bed and I am not disappointed. I wanted to get something that she could grow into. Its sturdy enough for me to climb into and read w her at night. Shes had several sleepovers her cousins and has had no problems w two people sleeping in it. I also love that I can throw a twin mattress underneath for extra bedding. Its been a great purchase. Well made and comfy!
This is really nice, and it is difficult to find blue furniture for kids (or anyone). I wish there was a matching dresser and desk set. It is quite sturdy and can handle adult weight; I like the ladder and the tall top rail. Wish there was optional toddler bed rail for bottom bunk. Be sure not to order mattresses that are too thick. I like that the beds can be split up if needed, and used separately, or bunked. We have the twin over full, and it is perfect for sleepovers and guests. it is the best product.
Great bunk beds except the supporting slats are too far apart. My 3 year old sank and the mattress sagged when she happened to sit between slats. Easily remedied with supporting slats, but factor in an additional 40/ish per bed to buy separately. Recommend the vertical slats (running from top to bottom of bed) / they seem to work well. No complaints, really happy
I had to get a bed for my spare bedroom on short notice. It arrived within the time frame promised. So far its been used a handful of times, and its holding up. The only issue was that assembly was a pain. Only the head board has a label identifying left and right side. The rest of the pieces werent label so it took a lot of time trying to piece it together. Because the slats on the head board didnt fit tightly, they kept popping out when I was trying to put it together. Also, it would have helped if all the same pieces hardware were packaged separately instead of having all pieces thrown together, where you have to fish for the right piece. I totally recommend it
Looks great. Very solid. Easy to assemble.
My kids are loving this bunk bed. It was easy to assemble, although it is a large piece of furniture so there are a fair number of assembly steps. Im most impressed with how sturdy it is. So many bunk beds we checked out would easily sway some if you pushed the top bunk. This bed is solid though. The most solid assemble yourself furniture Ive had. And this was probably the least expensive bed we checked out. Win, win, win. I would definitely buy again.
Sturdy and beautiful
Bed is very sturdy and looks great just like the pictures! However, it was very difficult to put together, we had to piece every little section together, it was a lot of work. so beautiful and wonderful
Great bed for kids and preteens
My kid is 17 and we needed a smaller bed in her rooms. She downsized from a queen. She fits fine in this bed but I do wish it were about 6/12 inches taller off the ground including the length of the legs and headboard. It will be find as we are making seating and art studio space in her room. The length is great just like any twin and it was pretty easy to assemble. There was a long scratch in the top of the headboard but I didnt notice it until the bed was together. So just check all your pieces for scratches first. By the time we go it together, I was NOT ordering another piece. We are just dealing with it! It looks really nice and Id buy it for a 6yo / 15yo if I had to suggest! Im happy with my purchase
Best Bunkbed
Delivered in less than three day. My kids love this bed so much 9 year old on the top and 24 year old on the bottom. Pretty comfy for the price
Aming quality for the price
Very pleased with this bed. Its solid wood and extremely sturdy and stiff once you get it together. Instructions are straightforward, but you will need a drill to fix two brackets and a few screws for which there are no predrilled holes. You dont need to pre/drill the holes, but youll want a cordless drill with a Phillips bit to drive them in. You also need to measure and mark the cross brace brackets on the foot board and headboard to make sure theyre at the same height and even with the side rails. The instructions dont tell you to do this. Go slow measure twice. Otherwise pretty straightforward. Highly recommend
Seems sturdy, needs more slats
The bed was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. When a local mattress company came by to drop off my 3yos new mattress yesterday, he commented that the bed needs additional slats or that Id need to place a piece of plywood over the slats to prevent the mattress from developing a wave. An annoying extra cost/step but otherwise, the bed seems good. Quality seems to be good so far
Big Girl Bed
I bought this as my daughters first big girl bed and I am not disappointed. I wanted to get something that she could grow into. Its sturdy enough for me to climb into and read w her at night. Shes had several sleepovers her cousins and has had no problems w two people sleeping in it. I also love that I can throw a twin mattress underneath for extra bedding. Its been a great purchase. Well made and comfy!
Really Nice Bunk Bed Set
This is really nice, and it is difficult to find blue furniture for kids (or anyone). I wish there was a matching dresser and desk set. It is quite sturdy and can handle adult weight; I like the ladder and the tall top rail. Wish there was optional toddler bed rail for bottom bunk. Be sure not to order mattresses that are too thick. I like that the beds can be split up if needed, and used separately, or bunked. We have the twin over full, and it is perfect for sleepovers and guests. it is the best product.
Mattress sags between too/wide slats
Great bunk beds except the supporting slats are too far apart. My 3 year old sank and the mattress sagged when she happened to sit between slats. Easily remedied with supporting slats, but factor in an additional 40/ish per bed to buy separately. Recommend the vertical slats (running from top to bottom of bed) / they seem to work well. No complaints, really happy
so far so good
I had to get a bed for my spare bedroom on short notice. It arrived within the time frame promised. So far its been used a handful of times, and its holding up. The only issue was that assembly was a pain. Only the head board has a label identifying left and right side. The rest of the pieces werent label so it took a lot of time trying to piece it together. Because the slats on the head board didnt fit tightly, they kept popping out when I was trying to put it together. Also, it would have helped if all the same pieces hardware were packaged separately instead of having all pieces thrown together, where you have to fish for the right piece. I totally recommend it
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