Im so happy with this purchase! I got this one because of the weight limit since I have multiple heavy dogs and it is very sturdy. It took me about 2 hours to put the king sized frame together alone and it was not difficult at all. I was a little worried that the headboard part would be too short for my mattress since I dont have a memory foam mattress but its a great fit.
it did take a second set of hands to assemble
instructions (and parts labelling) could have been a little clearer for assembly.
but over-all - excellent bed and very strong
Very happy with the bed frame. The directions were a little difficult to follow because of the way they labeled the hardware. I actually thought some of the hardware was missing. Once I worked pst that, it came together quick. Nice and sturdy yet lightweight.
The box was smaller than I was expecting. But all the pieces were there. I was disappointed that a few of the pieces were scratched as well as dented. But I guess you get what you pay for.
I would order again
Worth the purchase
The bed frame was easy to assemble is very sturdy!
Not an easy assembly
Not an easy bed to assemble. The instructions were all backwards. But once together it is sturdy and I would recommend it
I would buy this again
Im so happy with this purchase! I got this one because of the weight limit since I have multiple heavy dogs and it is very sturdy. It took me about 2 hours to put the king sized frame together alone and it was not difficult at all. I was a little worried that the headboard part would be too short for my mattress since I dont have a memory foam mattress but its a great fit.
Good buy, directions suck.
Would be nice if the parts were actually labeled like in the directions.
very strong
it did take a second set of hands to assemble instructions (and parts labelling) could have been a little clearer for assembly. but over-all - excellent bed and very strong
Once you figure out assembly, a great sturdy lightweight frame.
Very happy with the bed frame. The directions were a little difficult to follow because of the way they labeled the hardware. I actually thought some of the hardware was missing. Once I worked pst that, it came together quick. Nice and sturdy yet lightweight.
Some scratches and dents
The box was smaller than I was expecting. But all the pieces were there. I was disappointed that a few of the pieces were scratched as well as dented. But I guess you get what you pay for.
Great purchase
Easy to put together and so far seems very sturdy and durable.
Great bed!!
Very easy to put together!!! Looks great too!!
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