This was very easy to assemble and has been very sturdy and quiet. Having had recent shoulder surgery, I was able to assemble this with one arm. Took a while but it worked out. The wood slats fit in well with the included padding strips. My only drawback is the middle support post where I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night. The typical bed frame has posts on the corners. Havent had any other issues.
I purchased this bed frame when we upgraded the size of our bed. I am thrilled with how well-made it is and how easy it was to assemble. I highly recommend it.
It does everything I wanted, specifically giving me plenty of space underneath.
The only bad thing I can say is that the mattress/boxsprings can slide off the edges. A inch vertical barrier would have solved that.
We liked it so much we bought a second one. Goes together in minutes and accepts all standard headboards. Gives lots of under-bed storage space and good getting in/out height for the legs.
The product instructions were lacking the first major steps. There were no instructions as to how to put the frame onto the legs. it simply shows the bed put together already with which legs go to which side piece. Not at all helpful.
easy to assemble - sturdy - no sagging - quiet
This was very easy to assemble and has been very sturdy and quiet. Having had recent shoulder surgery, I was able to assemble this with one arm. Took a while but it worked out. The wood slats fit in well with the included padding strips. My only drawback is the middle support post where I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night. The typical bed frame has posts on the corners. Havent had any other issues.
excellent bed frame!
I purchased this bed frame when we upgraded the size of our bed. I am thrilled with how well-made it is and how easy it was to assemble. I highly recommend it.
Like Frame
Like the frame. Very sturdy and looks nice.
Almost perfect
It does everything I wanted, specifically giving me plenty of space underneath. The only bad thing I can say is that the mattress/boxsprings can slide off the edges. A inch vertical barrier would have solved that.
My son loves this bed. Very sturdy.
Affordable, comes in extra length for my tall son and it is super easy to put together.
Very sturdy and simple to assemble
We liked it so much we bought a second one. Goes together in minutes and accepts all standard headboards. Gives lots of under-bed storage space and good getting in/out height for the legs.
Sturdy! Good Price!
It could have had stops at head and foot of frame to keep the mattress from sliding.
Bad Instructions
The product instructions were lacking the first major steps. There were no instructions as to how to put the frame onto the legs. it simply shows the bed put together already with which legs go to which side piece. Not at all helpful.
Sturdy and comfortable!
Easy to assemble, very sturdy and solid support.
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