Easy to follow instructions, easy to assemble, nothing missing. Seems sturdy and durable, looks great. I also love that you can choose between different sizes. Would definitely recommend.
I purchased this trampoline for my sons 7 year birthday. He absolutely loves it. Its sturdy and safe. But the delivery took a little longer than it should of. It was like 5 days later then expected.
But overall everything is great.
I purchased the 14 ft option and had no issues so far. Easy to assemble with at least one other adult, a decent size for a small family, and launches us in the air very well. I assume they use the same hardware bags between different sizes. I had many extra pieces left at the end of the assembly. This was a great purchase for my daughters birthday!
My kids,14 and 8 year olds, love the trampoline! It is sturdy and all of us fit on it perfectly and can jump at the same time. I had two friends help me assemble it and it took about 2 hours for them which I thought was a little too long even though they have done it before so I think I it was a little hard. I would have never been able to do it alone. But now that it is assembled, we love the trampoline!
Great trampoline!
Great trampoline! Sturdy, well made and fairly easy to put together.
Great for kids
The trampoline is great for kids. It is not that hard to assemble, its sturdy, and has nice bounce.
Easy to assemble
Everything came in as in parts no missing items my kids love it!!!.
So far so good!
Easy assembly, seems to be holding up great!
Excellent purchase
Easy to follow instructions, easy to assemble, nothing missing. Seems sturdy and durable, looks great. I also love that you can choose between different sizes. Would definitely recommend.
Nice trampoline
Took about three hours to put together. Hardest part was attaching the screen enclosure. Seems to be decent quality. Daughter is enjoying it.
Great purchase
I purchased this trampoline for my sons 7 year birthday. He absolutely loves it. Its sturdy and safe. But the delivery took a little longer than it should of. It was like 5 days later then expected. But overall everything is great.
Great trampoline
I purchased the 14 ft option and had no issues so far. Easy to assemble with at least one other adult, a decent size for a small family, and launches us in the air very well. I assume they use the same hardware bags between different sizes. I had many extra pieces left at the end of the assembly. This was a great purchase for my daughters birthday!
Great trampoline!
My kids,14 and 8 year olds, love the trampoline! It is sturdy and all of us fit on it perfectly and can jump at the same time. I had two friends help me assemble it and it took about 2 hours for them which I thought was a little too long even though they have done it before so I think I it was a little hard. I would have never been able to do it alone. But now that it is assembled, we love the trampoline!
Very awesome! It shipped fast and was super easy to assemble!
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