Instructions werent totally clear on how to assemble the net, but we figured it out with some trial and error. Tramp itself seems very sturdy. My 230lb husband jumps on it with the kids and it is sturdy.
I assembled it with my 14 year old daughter, it took and hour and a half. The netting is the longest part. All in all a sweet trampoline, kids played with it for the entire day!!
The trampoline was easy to assemble the only issue I would say I had was the zipper doesnt go down all the way. I like the fact the zipper has buckles on it as an added convenience. Other than that, my kids absolutely love the trampoline.
First of all its better to have 2 or more people put this together. Its the perfect size for my 6 and 2 year old with room to grow. I bought an 8 point rainbow parachute for more shade and color as well as wrapped it with solar powered fairy lights. We have only had it up for one day and have already jumped on it for HOURS!! Ill be back to review it in 6 months.
This trampoline far exceeded my expectations. My children love it and its very sturdy. I even enjoy jumping on it. The seller was very quick to respond back to a question I had and the shipping was crazy fast. All I can say is if you want a trampoline that is sturdy and durable, look no further. I am very very happy with my purchase. I referred several of my family members after they came to my house to jump along with their kids. I am so glad I took the time to research because I came across this and I feel my money is well spent. Thank you!!
Great trampoline
Instructions werent totally clear on how to assemble the net, but we figured it out with some trial and error. Tramp itself seems very sturdy. My 230lb husband jumps on it with the kids and it is sturdy.
Great Product!
Pretty easy to assemble and our kids love it!! We have had it for one week and it seems great so far!
Easy Setup
This product is durable, easy to assemble, and my kids love it.
Great trampoline, 1.5 hour assemble
I assembled it with my 14 year old daughter, it took and hour and a half. The netting is the longest part. All in all a sweet trampoline, kids played with it for the entire day!!
Perfect choice
The trampoline was easy to assemble the only issue I would say I had was the zipper doesnt go down all the way. I like the fact the zipper has buckles on it as an added convenience. Other than that, my kids absolutely love the trampoline.
The kids love it!! Easy to assemble and good quality.
Easy assembly
Very easy to assemble, shipped quickly, wear the provided gloves or your hands will get dirty from the light oil coating the pipes
Best trampoline ever!
First of all its better to have 2 or more people put this together. Its the perfect size for my 6 and 2 year old with room to grow. I bought an 8 point rainbow parachute for more shade and color as well as wrapped it with solar powered fairy lights. We have only had it up for one day and have already jumped on it for HOURS!! Ill be back to review it in 6 months.
Perfect Sturdy!!!
This trampoline far exceeded my expectations. My children love it and its very sturdy. I even enjoy jumping on it. The seller was very quick to respond back to a question I had and the shipping was crazy fast. All I can say is if you want a trampoline that is sturdy and durable, look no further. I am very very happy with my purchase. I referred several of my family members after they came to my house to jump along with their kids. I am so glad I took the time to research because I came across this and I feel my money is well spent. Thank you!!
Great Product
Great product. Installation was fast and simple. Kids are having a blast.
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