This was a bit complicated to put together, but once up, it is very sturdy and looks really nice. This bed will work so well in my limited space guest bedroom. Amazing!!!
The bed was really easy to assemble and came with easy instructions, very start forward. I wanted white but they blue was the only available one but the color is really nice. My son loves it!
It was pretty easy to put together with two people. We had to take off a couple parts and flip them, so be sure to pay extra ation to the directions. Very sturdy, not wobbly. Perfect to have a big bed for guest and bunk beds for a kids room! Good Product.
I love this bed! It is perfect for my daughters super small bedroom. It was not super sturdy until we anchored it to the wall now it doesnt move at all. Changing the sheets seems like it is going to be a chore but its worth it. My 8 year old LOVES it and thats all that matters. Easy set up.
Dont mind the mess, this is in my art studio and I just started working on a few different projects, but awesome!!! Love the extra room it creates in tiny space, love the work desk underneath!! The shelves arent too helpful or versatile, a little too small(I had to put wood rulers running the length of the backs of them to prevent things from falling out the sides and back)
My cat loves it, I like laying up in the loft from time to time, just the right height from ceiling to be comfy. Good product.i recommend!! He loves it.
This is a solid bunk bed and will work great for our daughter. My only gripe is that it came in a single box that was very difficult for delivery and moving around. Good instructions, materials, and packing. It was easy.
The bed is pretty sturdy and it looks awesome but it was very difficult to put together it took us all day and we accidentally put a piece on wrong so we had to take it all apart and put it all together again and the pieces that snap on dont snap off well and they break so dont mess up. Also the bed is squeaky. Money good to have.
Great Product
This was a bit complicated to put together, but once up, it is very sturdy and looks really nice. This bed will work so well in my limited space guest bedroom. Amazing!!!
Cool bed
It took a while to build. Lots of pieces. But very sturdy. My Nephew likes it,
Nice color
The bed was really easy to assemble and came with easy instructions, very start forward. I wanted white but they blue was the only available one but the color is really nice. My son loves it!
Great bed for the price
It was pretty easy to put together with two people. We had to take off a couple parts and flip them, so be sure to pay extra ation to the directions. Very sturdy, not wobbly. Perfect to have a big bed for guest and bunk beds for a kids room! Good Product.
Wonderful bunk bed!
Bought this bed for my 14 year old daughters. Its so much sturdier than I thought it would be! They love it it opened up their bedroom. Perfect.
Great bed for a child!
I love this bed! It is perfect for my daughters super small bedroom. It was not super sturdy until we anchored it to the wall now it doesnt move at all. Changing the sheets seems like it is going to be a chore but its worth it. My 8 year old LOVES it and thats all that matters. Easy set up.
Lots of parts
This is sturdy and good looking. The tools that are shipped with it will be worn out long before all the screws are tight. Cute.
Awesome, a little rickedy, but sound sturdy so far for adult in office.
Dont mind the mess, this is in my art studio and I just started working on a few different projects, but awesome!!! Love the extra room it creates in tiny space, love the work desk underneath!! The shelves arent too helpful or versatile, a little too small(I had to put wood rulers running the length of the backs of them to prevent things from falling out the sides and back) My cat loves it, I like laying up in the loft from time to time, just the right height from ceiling to be comfy. Good product.i recommend!! He loves it.
Solid Construction, perfect for 11 year old
This is a solid bunk bed and will work great for our daughter. My only gripe is that it came in a single box that was very difficult for delivery and moving around. Good instructions, materials, and packing. It was easy.
Its an ok bed, but difficult to assemble, and squeaks.
The bed is pretty sturdy and it looks awesome but it was very difficult to put together it took us all day and we accidentally put a piece on wrong so we had to take it all apart and put it all together again and the pieces that snap on dont snap off well and they break so dont mess up. Also the bed is squeaky. Money good to have.
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