This is the 2nd bed Ive bought from this company and they havent disappointed! The twin over full is sturdy and a nice looking piece. Yes, it takes a hot minute to put together but the process is pretty easy. Took 2 of us an hour and a half. Would not recommend doing it by yourself. No directions in the box but I called the company and they emailed them to me immediately. Fit well,
This was a very intuitive product to assemble. My son and I had this together in about an hour. The instructions do a good job of showing how pieces should be oriented, avoiding mistakes. Very sturdy so far. Id buy this again. Just fine.
Its kinda confusing trying to get it assembled but Im happy with the overall use and I plan on buying another for my other 2 sons. Definitely worth it.
I can NOT believe how good the instructions were. Not only were they good, but more importantly the screw holes lined up! This company not only organized the tools needed, but also offered help. Which I am proud to say we didnt need. Well made product, great instructions, and Yes we will buy from them again! Looks great.
My daughter is 5 and its not very sturdy but shes the only one who gets on me I sometimes do too to do her bed but she loves her bunk bed! Easy build,
Highly recommend!
This is the 2nd bed Ive bought from this company and they havent disappointed! The twin over full is sturdy and a nice looking piece. Yes, it takes a hot minute to put together but the process is pretty easy. Took 2 of us an hour and a half. Would not recommend doing it by yourself. No directions in the box but I called the company and they emailed them to me immediately. Fit well,
Loft full size bed
It took a lot to assemble my hands hurt still lol but its worth every penny At Ease.
Good value, easy assembly
This was a very intuitive product to assemble. My son and I had this together in about an hour. The instructions do a good job of showing how pieces should be oriented, avoiding mistakes. Very sturdy so far. Id buy this again. Just fine.
Great bunk bed!
This bed is awesome! Great price great color! Two person assembly but not too difficult! Highly recommend! As expected.
Yeah its a good bunk bed I would buy it again!.
Its kinda confusing trying to get it assembled but Im happy with the overall use and I plan on buying another for my other 2 sons. Definitely worth it.
Buy it
My Kids like it Good one.
Simplicity of instructions.
I can NOT believe how good the instructions were. Not only were they good, but more importantly the screw holes lined up! This company not only organized the tools needed, but also offered help. Which I am proud to say we didnt need. Well made product, great instructions, and Yes we will buy from them again! Looks great.
I like it
It just right for my kids I have a 12/year/old and a nine year old and its perfect for them Nicely made.
not sturdy enough
My daughter loves her new bed! I just wish it was a little more sturdy to ease my mind. Great Value.
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