I bought this for my 6 year old son and he loves its! It took my husband and I about two hours to put it together. It was fairly easy! Seems pretty sturdy! Overall satisfied with it! perfectly fine with it
I bought this bed for my 6 year old son so he can have more space on the floor. The bed is very sturdy and looks like I spent more than what I did. The only down fall is that it took me and my husband 2 hours to put together because the inductions were not step by step. Once it was complete, my son hopped right on up! Very happy with product
My son loves it!!
I bought this for my 6 year old son and he loves its! It took my husband and I about two hours to put it together. It was fairly easy! Seems pretty sturdy! Overall satisfied with it! perfectly fine with it
Aming Bed that made a 6 year old very happy
I bought this bed for my 6 year old son so he can have more space on the floor. The bed is very sturdy and looks like I spent more than what I did. The only down fall is that it took me and my husband 2 hours to put together because the inductions were not step by step. Once it was complete, my son hopped right on up! Very happy with product
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