Easy to out together (for a bed) and pretty sturdy. One of the boards came with a viable dent and crack so sent a replacement. They only sent whole units so I have two giant boxes sitting here and no way to get them to the ups store. Also the bed price dropped 30 since I bought it. look great reliable.
Great bed for the money. It was pretty easy to assemble, I am a single mom of a 7 year old and it took me 3.5 hours to assemble by myself. It seems pretty study and my daughter loves it! Very reasonable too!!
Im very happy with this purchase! I bought 2.1 of each child. The 3 of us put it together and it was fun doing that. The instructions are easy to follow as well. Its perfect for those sleep overs and I really like the 3 storage drawers. Definitely a space saver all in all The price is reasonable though.
I had ordered a bed from a local furniture store and after 3 months of waiting I cancelled it. Considering it was a 300 cheaper and free shipping Overall Im not disappointed with this bed. However I did not give it 5 stars because the wood is cheap and has already scratched. The directions are confusing and the parts are poorly labeled. I have 5 kids. We have gone through 3 sets of bunkbeds so I am familiar with the assembly. It wasnt too difficult to put together and it was very sturdy. I would purchase this again. great for guests
This is the best bed I have gotten for my girls. Its low to ground my toddler moves a lot in her sleep she was falling out of bed and now she isnt and it is safe and its sturdy and cute!! Seems sturdy enough
My son loves it and its prefect. Fit our wilderness theme prefectly. Ive hung a possum from it with lights and vines. Easy to put together and very sturdy. its worth it to me!
The products box was treated pretty roughly, the bag with the hardware was open and screws were scattered throughout the box, all the items were somehow still inside the box, but the corners of the bottom were all slightly damaged from the treatment of the box. Pretty easy to put together and pretty much exactly what I expected for the price. Overall you got what you paid for.
Good bed just weak
It was easy to set up but its a little flimsy and my daughter broke her bed frame within 2 days by stepping on it. Needs improvement in quality.
Decent bed
Easy to out together (for a bed) and pretty sturdy. One of the boards came with a viable dent and crack so sent a replacement. They only sent whole units so I have two giant boxes sitting here and no way to get them to the ups store. Also the bed price dropped 30 since I bought it. look great reliable.
Simply pleased!
Great bed for the money. It was pretty easy to assemble, I am a single mom of a 7 year old and it took me 3.5 hours to assemble by myself. It seems pretty study and my daughter loves it! Very reasonable too!!
Solid and easy to assemble
Im very happy with this purchase! I bought 2.1 of each child. The 3 of us put it together and it was fun doing that. The instructions are easy to follow as well. Its perfect for those sleep overs and I really like the 3 storage drawers. Definitely a space saver all in all The price is reasonable though.
Better quality than I expected. Assembled fairly easily and I did it alone. its very nice and I love the color. Worth it
I had ordered a bed from a local furniture store and after 3 months of waiting I cancelled it. Considering it was a 300 cheaper and free shipping Overall Im not disappointed with this bed. However I did not give it 5 stars because the wood is cheap and has already scratched. The directions are confusing and the parts are poorly labeled. I have 5 kids. We have gone through 3 sets of bunkbeds so I am familiar with the assembly. It wasnt too difficult to put together and it was very sturdy. I would purchase this again. great for guests
Given as a gift and the kids love it
As described thumbs up comfortable and stylish product.
This is the best bed I have gotten for my girls. Its low to ground my toddler moves a lot in her sleep she was falling out of bed and now she isnt and it is safe and its sturdy and cute!! Seems sturdy enough
I love it
My son loves it and its prefect. Fit our wilderness theme prefectly. Ive hung a possum from it with lights and vines. Easy to put together and very sturdy. its worth it to me!
A little damaged but still cute
The products box was treated pretty roughly, the bag with the hardware was open and screws were scattered throughout the box, all the items were somehow still inside the box, but the corners of the bottom were all slightly damaged from the treatment of the box. Pretty easy to put together and pretty much exactly what I expected for the price. Overall you got what you paid for.
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