Wonderful bed for the cost. It seems very sturdy. It was easy to assemble but required more than one person to assemble. The bottom is a excellent reading and play space for my child. This is awesome!
I put a king size bed underneath. I didnt install the ladder. I put L/brackets on the legs into the floor and against the wall. Helped with the sturdiness. Also put wainscoting on the back. Without l/brackets and wainscoting Im sure this would fall apart. Easy setup and sturdy!
I would first say it isnt the most difficult to assemble, HOWEVER there are alot of pieces and for things to run smoothly Id say at least have somebody there to help you out! Daughter is 8 and loves this bed. I personally dont feel it is as sturdy as I would like it to be (for a full size adult). For a child it is sturdy and safe but I do wish I could occasionally get up there with her and hang out. Unfortunately, dont feel I can without breaking it. Searched around for a while and will say the price is unbeatable for a bed like this! Best deal for a very nice
Product was easy to assemble with my husband. Probably took us less than 2 hours to assemble with breaks. This bed was bought for my daughter and she is absolutely loving it. It is very sturdy when her and her brother are up there. I even climbed up there and was fine. Would highky recommend!
Ps. Box was damaged but the bed was in perfect condition. This one was perfect
I really liked how easy this product was to assemble. But the durability isnt that good. We bought this for my son because my daughter had a 10 year old solid wood bunk bed that we bought for almost 3k. We decided not to do that type of spending since were a military family and move a lot and our nice, pricy things get damaged with every move. So, after having had assembled for a couple of months, its pretty wobbly and we have to constantly tighten up loose screws. That was a problem!!
bed was not difficult to assemble but one of our pieces were mislabeled we stilled managed to assemble correctly. it doesnt specify you need a drill so definitely have one handy! This bed was for my 9 year old son and in his small size room but it came out perfect! we assembled it together so it wasnt difficult, just heavy after a the 3 rd step. but overall definitely rate this item very very good! would definitely reccomend Very sturdy and durable
Easy to assemble, looks great in my daughters room. Sturdy. I like the open bottom so that it can be whatever you want rather than being committed to a desk or futon. Wed like to anchor it to the wall for added stability but for now its fine as is. truly easy to install
Wonderful for price
Wonderful bed for the cost. It seems very sturdy. It was easy to assemble but required more than one person to assemble. The bottom is a excellent reading and play space for my child. This is awesome!
Added wainscoting and L brackets for sturdiness
I put a king size bed underneath. I didnt install the ladder. I put L/brackets on the legs into the floor and against the wall. Helped with the sturdiness. Also put wainscoting on the back. Without l/brackets and wainscoting Im sure this would fall apart. Easy setup and sturdy!
Wobbly and not sturdy
Its very wobbly. I needed to buy braces to keep it steady. I am so disappointed.
I loved it
I love it, it turned out great, its worth your money, and it was easy to assemble, I didnt have a problem with anything. Love this product. No issues.
Its ok for the money
Not really white, its more of a cream color. Also not sturdy at all. I dont think itll last more than a few years!
Pros and cons. but over all my daughter loves it!
I would first say it isnt the most difficult to assemble, HOWEVER there are alot of pieces and for things to run smoothly Id say at least have somebody there to help you out! Daughter is 8 and loves this bed. I personally dont feel it is as sturdy as I would like it to be (for a full size adult). For a child it is sturdy and safe but I do wish I could occasionally get up there with her and hang out. Unfortunately, dont feel I can without breaking it. Searched around for a while and will say the price is unbeatable for a bed like this! Best deal for a very nice
Great buy!
Product was easy to assemble with my husband. Probably took us less than 2 hours to assemble with breaks. This bed was bought for my daughter and she is absolutely loving it. It is very sturdy when her and her brother are up there. I even climbed up there and was fine. Would highky recommend! Ps. Box was damaged but the bed was in perfect condition. This one was perfect
Quality is a bit wobbly
I really liked how easy this product was to assemble. But the durability isnt that good. We bought this for my son because my daughter had a 10 year old solid wood bunk bed that we bought for almost 3k. We decided not to do that type of spending since were a military family and move a lot and our nice, pricy things get damaged with every move. So, after having had assembled for a couple of months, its pretty wobbly and we have to constantly tighten up loose screws. That was a problem!!
Great Quality Loft bed!!
bed was not difficult to assemble but one of our pieces were mislabeled we stilled managed to assemble correctly. it doesnt specify you need a drill so definitely have one handy! This bed was for my 9 year old son and in his small size room but it came out perfect! we assembled it together so it wasnt difficult, just heavy after a the 3 rd step. but overall definitely rate this item very very good! would definitely reccomend Very sturdy and durable
Great looking loft bed.
Easy to assemble, looks great in my daughters room. Sturdy. I like the open bottom so that it can be whatever you want rather than being committed to a desk or futon. Wed like to anchor it to the wall for added stability but for now its fine as is. truly easy to install
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