Beautiful, sturdy modern design Relatively easy to assemble. Instructions is clear. It took me and my husband about an hour to put it together.
Very happy with the quality.
Perfect for what we needed This frame is good for the money but it is cheaply made and it shows. The welding is not neat and actually I had some problems assembling it because if a stray lump of metal being in the way. Also the paint is a matte white not glossy so it kind of has a textured (rough) so can get dirty easily. It does come with and extra screw of each one. Other than the lack of quality of the parts its ok for the money especially with the 30$ discount. It has a bunch of rubber bushings everywhere to eliminate squeaks since this is a metal bed frame and as of now no squeaking. Box delivered weighed about 50lbs
Nice mid century look Bought for my 6 year old. Within one month, it started falling apart. The bars have all bent so bad, I have to use plywood to keep where slats are missing. This is the WORST. DO NOT BUY.
I reach out to the company, and have heard nothing back.
Great for the money have not used yet, mattress comes tomorrow. Not too bad to put together, 2 people would be best. Just happy that the frame came without any damage, a few nicks but not noticeable.
Assembled this last night and it instructions are easy to follow but takes time to put them together. The quality of this frame is not good. Welded parts are not welded well and can see the gaps. Paint that they use on this metals are not even good. Has rusted stains all over and cant even get them off. I hope it will last at least a year.
Great value and sturdy bed
Beautiful, sturdy modern design Relatively easy to assemble. Instructions is clear. It took me and my husband about an hour to put it together. Very happy with the quality.
Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble! Perfect, good design and Heavy Duty
Exactly as advertised.
Beautiful Addition to My Home The instructions were clear and assembly went without a hitch. Its exactly what I wanted.
This is absolutely worth every single penny!
Very comfortable, glad I purchased for my bedroom. This is such a good sturdy strong bed. I love the frame and I wish I had bought them sooner.
Nice bed
Little tricky to put together There are a lot of pieces! Once you get the hang of it it goes quicker. Looks good. Sturdy.
Fine for the money
Perfect for what we needed This frame is good for the money but it is cheaply made and it shows. The welding is not neat and actually I had some problems assembling it because if a stray lump of metal being in the way. Also the paint is a matte white not glossy so it kind of has a textured (rough) so can get dirty easily. It does come with and extra screw of each one. Other than the lack of quality of the parts its ok for the money especially with the 30$ discount. It has a bunch of rubber bushings everywhere to eliminate squeaks since this is a metal bed frame and as of now no squeaking. Box delivered weighed about 50lbs
Great buy!!
Pretty and inexpensive Love this frame! The ONLY issue I have is that there was a piece of the frame that was drilled incorrectly. Otherwise, LOVE IT!
Nice mid century look Bought for my 6 year old. Within one month, it started falling apart. The bars have all bent so bad, I have to use plywood to keep where slats are missing. This is the WORST. DO NOT BUY. I reach out to the company, and have heard nothing back.
Not too bad
Great for the money have not used yet, mattress comes tomorrow. Not too bad to put together, 2 people would be best. Just happy that the frame came without any damage, a few nicks but not noticeable.
Not what I expected
Assembled this last night and it instructions are easy to follow but takes time to put them together. The quality of this frame is not good. Welded parts are not welded well and can see the gaps. Paint that they use on this metals are not even good. Has rusted stains all over and cant even get them off. I hope it will last at least a year.
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