My daughter loves this it was a little difficult to put together because you have to use multiple tools but it didnt take as long as I expected I do feel like it is not as sturdy as I feel it should be it has some move to it when she gets on it Overall, great value for the price.
I am very happy with this purchase. My daughters bedroom is pretty small and this will definitely help maximize her space. It took a total of about 3 hours to put together. It feels solid and sturdy. There were no missing pieces and every piece was in good condition. The price here on tends to go up and down frequently, so watch it in your cart for a few days to get the best price. Delivery was on time as well. I honestly love
Whoever designed the manufacturing and packaging of this loft bed has a mind like a computer. A remarkably efficient package. There was not an extra screw or piece of packing material to be found. Every piece lined up without exception. Id give the directions a B/. If you have more than a thimble of mechanical ability you should have no trouble assembling it.
The price jumps around daily. I pulled the trigger at 327.50. Ive seen it go over 600. I think its a good value anywhere in the range.
I did have two double threaded sleeves pull out of the wood. The threads are opposite on the outside and fit the attached screws (righty tighty) on the inside threads. I figured out by using a small screw I could replace them into their fittings easily.
Also, I did benefit from a rubber mallet assembling the large desk piece, and an electric drill installing the slats.
Rubber wood, this is the first time Ive heard of it or used it. Its soft like pine. Thats not a bad thing, its just not hardwood. for those who mentioned smell, it briefly had the smell of painted wood… Exactly what you would expect. Regarding imperfections, I found the product well manufactured and without functional or notable cosmetic issues. If youre looking for perfect drop 3000 at a retail store. Good Quality for Cost
Just finished assembling this, took about 3 hours solo. Ive assembled a lot of flat/pack furniture in the past and this went together very smoothly. Instructions were clear and holes precisely drilled.
Slightly wobbly even with everything torqued down as much as I dared. Some components are quite soft wood but the most important elements (desk top and ladder rings) are made of quite heavy duty stuff. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
I absolutely love this bed! The quality is great, looks aming, and the assembly is straight forward and easy! My 11 year old daughter put her whole bed together by herself from reading the instructions, with me just stepping in to hold pieces here and there while she got the screws started on some steps. She is super excited about this bed and she has so much pride in the fact that she assembled it herself! I would definitely recommend this bed to anyone who needs a loft bed for a small room or just wants more functionality in the space they have available! Functional design
This looks nice. My daughter is Very happy with it. However it was overpriced and it came in a ton of pieces. I could not have put it together myself thank goodness for my husband. Its a nice design though.
Ive been using this for about a month now. Im a 25 female and I have had no issues with it being not sturdy enough. The desk is huge and comfortable to sit at for an adult. I like this one.
Overall great
My daughter loves this it was a little difficult to put together because you have to use multiple tools but it didnt take as long as I expected I do feel like it is not as sturdy as I feel it should be it has some move to it when she gets on it Overall, great value for the price.
Value for price
Good value. Will have to tighten screws occasionally This product was just what I needed
I am very happy with this purchase. My daughters bedroom is pretty small and this will definitely help maximize her space. It took a total of about 3 hours to put together. It feels solid and sturdy. There were no missing pieces and every piece was in good condition. The price here on tends to go up and down frequently, so watch it in your cart for a few days to get the best price. Delivery was on time as well. I honestly love
Exceeded Expectations
Whoever designed the manufacturing and packaging of this loft bed has a mind like a computer. A remarkably efficient package. There was not an extra screw or piece of packing material to be found. Every piece lined up without exception. Id give the directions a B/. If you have more than a thimble of mechanical ability you should have no trouble assembling it. Cons: The price jumps around daily. I pulled the trigger at 327.50. Ive seen it go over 600. I think its a good value anywhere in the range. I did have two double threaded sleeves pull out of the wood. The threads are opposite on the outside and fit the attached screws (righty tighty) on the inside threads. I figured out by using a small screw I could replace them into their fittings easily. Also, I did benefit from a rubber mallet assembling the large desk piece, and an electric drill installing the slats. Rubber wood, this is the first time Ive heard of it or used it. Its soft like pine. Thats not a bad thing, its just not hardwood. for those who mentioned smell, it briefly had the smell of painted wood… Exactly what you would expect. Regarding imperfections, I found the product well manufactured and without functional or notable cosmetic issues. If youre looking for perfect drop 3000 at a retail store. Good Quality for Cost
Was a great buy. Easy to assemble, very good quality, shipping was great and easy We all love it!
Smooth assembly, decent quality for price
Just finished assembling this, took about 3 hours solo. Ive assembled a lot of flat/pack furniture in the past and this went together very smoothly. Instructions were clear and holes precisely drilled. Slightly wobbly even with everything torqued down as much as I dared. Some components are quite soft wood but the most important elements (desk top and ladder rings) are made of quite heavy duty stuff. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Great Product!
I absolutely love this bed! The quality is great, looks aming, and the assembly is straight forward and easy! My 11 year old daughter put her whole bed together by herself from reading the instructions, with me just stepping in to hold pieces here and there while she got the screws started on some steps. She is super excited about this bed and she has so much pride in the fact that she assembled it herself! I would definitely recommend this bed to anyone who needs a loft bed for a small room or just wants more functionality in the space they have available! Functional design
Nice BED.took a little time to put it together but great product once is finished Good and inexpensive
Over priced but looks nice
This looks nice. My daughter is Very happy with it. However it was overpriced and it came in a ton of pieces. I could not have put it together myself thank goodness for my husband. Its a nice design though.
Ive been using this for about a month now. Im a 25 female and I have had no issues with it being not sturdy enough. The desk is huge and comfortable to sit at for an adult. I like this one.
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